
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Feature request: event name in subjectline

Feature request: event name in subjectline

Posted: August 30, 2023 at 3:26 am

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August 30, 2023 at 3:26 am


I use Event Espresso successfully since a couple of months for our events. One of the main things that I really miss is to use the event name in the subject of alle the communication e-mails. I feel that I would me more clearer for users if they receive an e-mail like “Payment received for event A” and not a general e-mail “Payent received”. Even in the main body you can still not use the event name. Users need to scroll down the mail body to see for which event it is (Event-link part).


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2023 at 2:31 am

Thank you for the feature request, will submit this to our team for consideration.

But we have the option to modify all the message template, or you can use the customize message template depending on event.

Check this article here.



August 31, 2023 at 5:42 am

Hello Ria

Obviously I know that you can modify alle message templates. However the variable [EVENT_NAME] is not available within subject, or even main body. Only from the [EVENT-LIST] part this variable is available.


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2023 at 7:05 am

Hi there,

Obviously I know that you can modify alle message templates. However the variable [EVENT_NAME] is not available within subject, or even main body. Only from the [EVENT-LIST] part this variable is available.

The way to work around that is to have custom messages with the event titles hardcoded, if you events are similar you can reuse the message templates over and over just have as muchas you can load dynamically, set the event name as static and select that message template for that ‘type’ of event.

To reply with some details on your feature request…

Part of the reasons (there are a few) for how this works now is due to how the messages generate the data, each section of the message being generated has access to specific data related to that section so the shortcodes related to that data are the only shortcodes to show up.

The problem with including event-specific shortcodes within the subject field is a single email can be sent for multiple events and how that is handed will differ from person to person. You may be happy with just using the ‘first’ event object name, another user wants them all, another wants a specific event’s name in the title and with each of those options we need another shortcode/parameter which then adds more confusion. Or people use the shortcode expecting it to do X but its outputs Y (by design) and that causes more confusion.

So we can’t just add in the event-based shortcodes to be used everywhere within messages without it causing more confusion or the need for ‘more’ shortcodes and users already get confused with the options already available.

It’s all a balance between functionality, customization and usability.

I don’t know if the above will be included, it is something we will need to discuss internally but the explanation given above is based on how the messages system currently works and my experience of supporting it.

Now, having said all that, the shortcodes available within the message system are filtered which means you can add your own to do whatever you want it to do (which is a different stance than what we need to take when taking into account the various use cases and event setups used by our users).

That obviously depends on how comfortable with PHP, WP and EE you are but here is an example of adding in additional shortcodes:


August 31, 2023 at 7:18 am

Hello Tony

Thank yoy very much for this clear answer.

For some events we already use custom messages with a hard coded title, but since we have quite some events a year, it would be more logic to have this dynamic. But I understand the logic as you explained.

I will test the next couple of days with the custom messages shortcodes.

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