
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Facing multiple issues when registering for an event

Facing multiple issues when registering for an event

Posted: September 11, 2019 at 6:25 am

September 11, 2019 at 6:25 am

Site link:

We are facing multiple issues with the event espresso plugin which we have used on the site:
1. User is not able to clear the cart either on clicking delete/ minus icon or clicking on empty event cart when registering for an event.

2. On clicking update cart the cart details also not updating

3. On clicking Proceed to Registration, user is not redirecting to the registration checkout

4. Multiple attendees detail are not adding to the event even when we have added Multiple Registration Event addon.


  • Support Staff

September 11, 2019 at 8:54 am

Hi there,

I’ve had a look over your site and in short, all of the above are from your theme.

There’s some JavaScript within your theme which assumes every anchored link that loads on a page must either be either for an element on the current page and you simply want to scroll to that element, or it’s a link for your home page.

So when you click on any of the EE links that JS is running, it identifies it is for that the link is for the current page and tries to scroll to that element, if it doesn’t find an element to scroll to it assumes the link is for your home page and redirects you there.

The JS file in question /wp-content/themes/financity/js/script-core.js

The code doing the above is: {
    if( location.hostname == this.hostname && location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') ){
	return t.scroll_to(this.hash, true);

scroll_to() is this:

scroll_to: function( hash, redirect, duration ){
	// start scrolling
	if( hash == '#financity-top-anchor' ){
		var scroll_position = 0;
		var target = $(hash);
		if( target.length ){
			var scroll_position = target.offset().top;
	if( typeof(scroll_position) != 'undefined' ){
		// offset for wordpress admin bar
		scroll_position = scroll_position - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'));
		// offset for fixed nav bar
		if( typeof(window.financity_anchor_offset) != 'undefined' ){
			scroll_position = scroll_position - parseInt(window.financity_anchor_offset);
		if( scroll_position < 0 ) scroll_position = 0;
		$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scroll_position }, { duration: 1500, easing: 'easeOutQuart', queue: false });
		return false;
	}else if( redirect ){
		window.location.href = financity_script_core.home_url + hash;
		return false;

Notice this:

}else if( redirect ){
    window.location.href = financity_script_core.home_url + hash;
    return false;

Meaning, if the theme couldn’t scroll to anything and redirect is set, it just redirects you to the home page.

I recommend contacting your theme author and request they investigate this further as it is something that needs to be fixed in your theme rather than Event Espresso.

September 12, 2019 at 6:38 am

I have sent a ticket to the theme support regarding the same but what about the multiple attendee issue given below, this is also occurring due to that
Multiple attendees detail are not adding to the event even when we have
added Multiple Registration Event addon.


  • Support Staff

September 12, 2019 at 7:02 am

Can you add the steps to reproduce?

With the exception of the above the cart seems to be working as expected.

September 13, 2019 at 3:34 am

We are using Multiple Registration Event addon for Event Espresso. According to the documentation given and the videos viewed, it is mentioned that if a ticket is booked for 3 people then we will get option to add details of three attendees.
You can check this by registering for an event on the post link.
Select 4 as the ticket quantity and click on Proceed to Registration. This should display the forms to enter 4 attendees information.
But it displays form to enter only one attendee information.


  • Support Staff

September 13, 2019 at 5:17 am

Looks like you’ve changed the events slug to be just ‘event’, you can use the single event string as the events slug and as you’ll see the event now throws an error.

With regards to the above it sounds like haven’t set any registrations questions for additional registrants. Edit the event and look in the meta boxes to the right. Select at least the ‘Personal information’ question group for additional registrants (not just the primary registrant), update and reserve.

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