
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Events to spread sheet

Events to spread sheet

Posted: February 9, 2020 at 3:47 am

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Steve Tanser

February 9, 2020 at 3:47 am

Can anyone suggest a solution. A member of our committee is frankly a pain in the!!!! He wants to be able to one click an events list as a excel doc. Is it possible to have an upto date link on our site that will download an xll format rather than csv.

Or even using excel website query. Unfortunately I am working with older generation who are reluctant pc users.

Event if I coukd have a csv link without having to give access to event espresso. Woukd help.

Please help before I kill him. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2020 at 6:34 am

Hi Phil,

Is it possible to have an upto date link on our site that will download an xll format rather than csv.

Possible, yes, but it’s not something we have with Event Espresso so you’ll need custom development for this.

I can tell you that it is highly unlikely that we will add a direct excel download button into Event Espresso ourselves (although pretty much everything in EE is filterable so any capable is more than welcome to create an add-on/snippet to do so) for multiple reasons but a big one being that not all of our users use excel.

Event if I coukd have a csv link without having to give access to event espresso. Woukd help.

Again, this is something that would be possible but will need custom development, especially as the CSV export uses the batch system which is currently expected to run in the admin.

When you say ‘an events list’, what specific data do you need for this? You can likely use the WP REST API to pull in the data using an excel web query but how involved that will depend on the data you need.

Steve Tanser

February 17, 2020 at 3:22 am

We only need basic info. Event name, venue, date. Basically the info shown in event chart. Shown on this page.

I realy need to sort this I have little programing ability and have no idea what reset appi is. I am fighting a battle to get our members to do bookings online.

Any halp greatly appreciated



  • Support Staff

February 17, 2020 at 5:37 am

What you are requesting is not something Event Espresso has available, the only way to add that functionality is to create a custom function that adds that functionality into Event Espresso, that isn’t something we can provide under support so you may need the help of a developer to achieve what you want.

The WP REST API is an interface provided by WordPress (which powers your site and Event Espresso) and can be used to get data from your site.

For example:

Outputs all kinds of details for your events and could use in excel (the WP REST API outputs JSON, Excel may need an add-on to read it).

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