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Events stats page

Posted: December 29, 2014 at 8:20 pm


December 29, 2014 at 8:20 pm

I want is to show for an event the following stats.

1) Number of registrations (paid & unpaid) and
2) The total $ amount (incl. paid & unpaid).

I found some shortcodes

Which would give me the number of registrations, paid, unpaid etc … however this short codes don’t work in EE4 and wouldn’t give me the dollar amounts.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 30, 2014 at 9:53 am

Hi, there isn’t currently a shortcode to display sales information. However, there is a reports screen available that shows revenue per event. You can find it by going to the transactions screen in your WP dashboard and then clicking on the reports tab.



December 30, 2014 at 2:11 pm

Hi Lorenzo,

Thanks, yes I know about the report tab.

Are there any hooks or code we can use??

I’m sure that I’m not the only one who wants to show this basic information for an event:

1) Number of registrations (paid & unpaid) and
2) The total $ amount (incl. paid & unpaid).


Sidney Harrell

December 31, 2014 at 10:49 am

Are you talking about showing it on a frontend page, or an admin page?


December 31, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Admin page.

If it can be shown on the frontend then we should be able to show it at the backend too.


Sidney Harrell

January 9, 2015 at 12:06 pm

We don’t have anything off the shelf, or in a shortcode that would do exactly what you are looking for.
But since the events in EE4 are cpts, it’s fairly straightforward for a developer to write something that would query for the event, then once you have the event, to use it to query the registrations associated with the event using the EE4 API ( For more information on developing using EE4, please see, specifically and
When you go to insert the gathered data back into the EE event list, this might be helpful,

then in EE_Admin_List_Table
there are some filter hooks and action hooks
if they want to add a custom column
to the event list table
to display the info.
for each event
So they could have something like:
Total Registrations: 5
Total Paid: $56
Total Unpaid: $23

Hope that puts you on the right path. Thanks.

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