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Events on Events Overview disappeared after database update

Posted: June 27, 2013 at 8:47 pm

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June 27, 2013 at 8:47 pm

I know I messed this up and just want to check the steps I might do to recover.

I wanted to change Pending statuses to Incomplete on a number of attendees. I can’t do it though the EE dashboard so I went into the database PHPMydatabase and manually updated those status fields on the events_attendee table to be Incomplete.

Now I go to the Event Overview and no tables appear when I select all active/inactive and all categories but I see that there are still events listed on the top of the page:

Events : All Events (13) | This Month (13) | Today (0) Attendees : All Attendees (251) | This Month (251) | Today (19)

If I click All Events (13) the list of all 13 appears for like a second and then the No Records Found! appears.

I went back in and changed the statuses back to Pending but it hasn’t made a difference.

My most recent database backup I just did but it has the changed status fields in it.

Is there another table I should update? Can I manually delete these attendees in the database and would that resolve this issue?

Thanks for any help.


June 27, 2013 at 9:10 pm

It looks like 2 other tables reference the attendee_id

If I remove the records from those databases for the attendees I want to delete, hopefully I can manually remove the ones I want from the database along with the attendee record itself?


June 27, 2013 at 9:25 pm

OMG nevermind – I had a live search filter in there – sorry for the hysteria!

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