
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Eventespresso Importer – import registration status and registration date

Eventespresso Importer – import registration status and registration date

Posted: November 25, 2023 at 2:52 pm

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November 25, 2023 at 2:52 pm


I just installed and tested the Eventespresso Importer and I’m curious. I’m not able to import attendees with a specific registration status. Nor registration date or transaction ID can be matched between the uploaded csv file and the event.

In our case we’d like to confirm the attendees randomly. Therefore we planed to:
1. Let all interested people register for the event
2. Download a csv report
3. Have a python script to randomize the rows of the csv file and put x attendees to “confirmed”. The python script then creates an all new csv file with the updated data.
4. Import the freshly generated csv file to the event. Sorting of the attendees shall be the same as in the randomized csv file.

However, I’m facing mainly two problems:
1. As stated above, data like registration status, transaction ID etc. are not uploaded. Although only rows were shifted (I tried without confirming some of the attendees, too). Is there a way to get at least the registration status uploaded?
2. The upload seems to be done in a random order – but not the order that was provided in the csv file. (How) Can you specify the order of the attendees uploaded?

Any advice is welcome!


December 1, 2023 at 11:06 pm


This is getting super urgent!


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2023 at 2:58 am

Hi Matthias,

Firstly, my apologies in the delayed reply, I spent some time digging into this to see if it was possible with the current versions and took a little longer than I expected.

1. As stated above, data like registration status, transaction ID etc. are not uploaded. Although only rows were shifted (I tried without confirming some of the attendees, too). Is there a way to get at least the registration status uploaded?

As you’ve found, as it stands, you can’t import the registration status from within the CSV. However, the importer uses the registration status set on the event you are importing at the time of import, so to ‘Approved’ specific imported attendees you could create 2 CSV files 1 with all of the Approved attendees in and then another with the remaining attendees.

You would then set the Default Registration Status (DRS) of the event you are imported them onto to be Approved. Import the registrations for the CSV you want to be approved onto the event, then set the DRS to be Pending Payment on the event again and import the rest. You would then have the selected registrations approved and the other pending payment (or whatever status you set).

I can add a feature request to allow setting the registration status from CSV itself, but the intention was to follow the DRS for the event being imported onto.

2. The upload seems to be done in a random order – but not the order that was provided in the csv file. (How) Can you specify the order of the attendees uploaded?

The script pulls the rows from the CSV in batches and processed them by row, the order in which they save within the database will depend on the (tiny) differents in processing times. However, they should generally be in the order of the CSV, you can’t manually set anything to force an order currently.

May I ask why the order matters in this case?


I have a question in terms of the set up you are using.

Are you intending on using the same event for this? It sounds like you want everyone to register onto Event A and then randomly approve registrations on that event. So you have the event, you have all the registration IDS, you have all of the details already saved within the event itself… would it not be better to just build a script that set the status of X registration to be approved within that event?


December 7, 2023 at 10:37 am

Hi Tony
Thanks for the answer!
The order of the import is just for uniformity with the csv file created on my PC. Basically I was just wondering about it.

The hint with the DRS is a great one, thanks! Although I would prefer to be able to import the registration status as well.

I just took over the maintenance of the website/EE, so I’m not that used to it. But letting a script run through the registrations sounds reasanoble. Definetley will have a look on it! Thanks! Is it also possible to have that random shuffle done by a script?



  • Support Staff

December 7, 2023 at 2:41 pm

The hint with the DRS is a great one, thanks! Although I would prefer to be able to import the registration status as well.

We have a feature request for this to track it, I’ll add your thread to the ticket.

It’s not something that can be done quickly, we can add a filter to the function used to generate the registration object which would allow you to set the status on the fly via code but not automatically within the importer itself as it stands.

I just took over the maintenance of the website/EE, so I’m not that used to it. But letting a script run through the registrations sounds reasanoble. Definetley will have a look on it! Thanks!

The logic for setting the status and sending the registration approved messages is already built into Event Espresso.

Is it also possible to have that random shuffle done by a script?

Shuffle? You mean the random selection fo REG_ID’s? Sure that can be done randomly.

The way I would do it would be grab the CSV, using a script to randomly select REG_IDs from that and create an array with those, then just pass that array to an a function to loop over the registrations using the IDs and Approve them.

The exporting and importing just adds additional steps that don’t (based on what I know) seem necessary for this.


December 10, 2023 at 8:40 am

Hi Tony

Thanks for your support so far. However, I’m a little overwhelmed. As I said, I just took over the Website administration and I’m not familiar with it at all.

I found this page on how to create a custom Plugin. I’m totally new to php coding, however I know C/C++ and Python, so I kind of know the basics of general programming.
I’m wondering on how to make the plugin available on the homepage/event administration. I’m thinking about something like:
1. a Button at the attendees list of each event
2. a click on the button starts the scripts/asks for the number of attendees to confirm and do the background processing.

Would be great if you could provide me some more information about this. Sorry for the ignorance 🙂



  • Support Staff

December 12, 2023 at 6:00 am

You’re going to struggle with this without at least some basic knowledge of PHP, WordPress itself, how hooks work and a little of how EE itself works. When you mentioned doing it pragmatically above I assumed you had at least some knowledge of 3 of the above.

What you’ve mentioned above is the basics of how I would recommend doing it, so adding an icon here:

This would then take you to a custom route where you input the number of registrations to approve for that event and proceed.

Or even adding an action to the registration list table itself (THIS output) where you could add an input there with the number of registration and a submit.

However, adding the button to those sections is relatively simple and without some PHP knowledge you’ll struggle with the rest of that function.

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