
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium eventespresso for Iphone 4 under IOS 4.2.1. (bis) please answer concretely

eventespresso for Iphone 4 under IOS 4.2.1. (bis) please answer concretely

Posted: July 8, 2013 at 6:41 am

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coolancer coolancer

July 8, 2013 at 6:41 am

Hi Gentlemen
I have an iphone 4. (IOS 4.2.1.).
Eventespresso is requiring 4.3.1
Please help because it may mean that I will have to buy another iphone just for testing eventespresso. I don’t mean it doesn’t worth it.
But, the test is expensive.
More seriously, what solution can you propose me?
Please note that the forum and old forum have already been scrutinized.
Iphone could not jailbreaked to 4.3.1 etc etc
I am really blocked. So, I contact you.
Pls comment.


July 8, 2013 at 6:47 am

closed, duplicate of

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