
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Reminder: Instead of X # of Days BEFORE – Can it be AFTER class starts?

Event Reminder: Instead of X # of Days BEFORE – Can it be AFTER class starts?

Posted: January 21, 2025 at 12:33 pm

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Portland Fashion Institute

January 21, 2025 at 12:33 pm

Strange request… I realize that we may simply need to use the Batch messaging function but since the Reminders have an X # of days attribute, I was wondering if its possible to make it get sent After instead of Before.

Here’s why I am asking. We have a class called Beginning Sewing 1. We also offer Beginning Sewing II and Begining Sewing III – but we can’t let the students register for those because they are dumb and they will see the II or the III class and think they have the chops to do that level when they do not – teachers hate this so we ONLY offere II and III when they have already taken the first in the series. And we’ve been doing the registration manually instead of through Event Espresso. I’m trying to talk the Staff into creating II and III but hiding them on a private page – then 2 weeks into the student taking the first in the series, they get an email saying OK, NOW you can take II or III.

So it would great if all that could be set up ahead of time.

Thanks for any advice and thoughts on this.


  • Support Staff

January 22, 2025 at 2:36 am

Hi Shelly,

So with the way the upcoming notification add-on works it will only accept a positive number to be used for the number of days before the event, to do the above it would need to also allow for negative days and also accommodate for using those correctly within the query. I did try this a while back when another user requested it, and it just wasn’t reliabe enough with how the add-on worked.

However, from that we added the Post notification to the add-on:

Which sounds exactly like what you are looking for, right?

Now… there is a but here! You can’t use BOTH upcoming and post event notifications on the same event currently. However you could use the Upcoming EVENT notification and the Post DATETIME notification on the same event if your using an event with a single datetime?

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