Posted: February 18, 2013 at 7:10 am
Once you have a couple of events with multiple price-types, event-list-display.php shows always the cost of the first price_type of a specific event_id. This produces nonsens! Please change the table-structure (for eample add an price_type_id/-weight) or omitt the display of only a part of event-prices! Sorry, I am not a professionell programmer, however this is of very low quality! I hope you can fix this very fast. Thank you |
Hi Frank, Thanks for taking the time to leave this valuable feedback. We can address this in a future version of Event Espresso. In the meantime, you can change the price display in event_list_display.php to grab the first price in the array by using the event_price shortcode: In event_list_display.php look for this:
and replace with this:
Useful hint. Thank you. It replaces an additional SELECT statement from event_prices-Table. Right thing would be to replace column VARCHAR ‘price_type’ by an INTEGER ‘price_type’ (or at least to add such a column ‘price_type_int’), numbering the price_types. Sorting results using integer price_type would be much easier then varchar-price_type, for example you could fetch always price_type_int=1. Something like that … My workaround was the following: A little bit more processor work, but it rocks. Hope, you will publish new event-listing-templates, which group recurrent events correctly, and show prices and other features correctly – very soon. This is really a basic feature of eventespresso plugin! Kind regards |
Hi Frank, Thanks for the suggestion. We actually have an open ticket that will change it so it displays a range of prices on the event list. |
Another (much more better) solution would be modifiing the sql-query in event-list.php, adding GROUP_CONCAT(), like: GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT p.event_cost ORDER BY p.event_cost DESC) event_cost_concat, Echo the first value in the concateneted-string! But, attention: This works only, if you have different prices for each price_type! Regards |
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