
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event posts in EE4

Event posts in EE4

Posted: February 18, 2015 at 1:13 pm


February 18, 2015 at 1:13 pm

Hi There,

Is there a way to have the events in ee4 show up with other posts in same categories? I see EE3 has a “Create Event Post” feature, but don’t seem to see a similar option in EE4.




February 19, 2015 at 1:34 am

Hi Matthew,

EE4 uses Custom Post Types (espresso_events) and custom taxonomies (espresso_event_categories), so there is no create event post as they are already “posts”.

As such you would have to create a custom query in order to get regular posts and the custom posts to intermingle, as well as match up the category and event categories as these are separate.

It is certainly doable but you may require a developer for assistance in creating the custom query if you have no PHP experience.

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