
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event manager not getting registration summary emails

Event manager not getting registration summary emails

Posted: August 22, 2012 at 6:06 pm

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Petra Leinemann

August 22, 2012 at 6:06 pm

This is a continuation of an older topic at which still hasn’t been resolved for my client.

Basically, the issue is that the event registration confirmation emails that are supposed to be going to the admin, are being blocked somehow by my client’s email host. Testing EE registrations with other emails (gmail, other domains) as the main admin email (in general settings), the email set as “admin” did indeed receive the emails.

It is important to my client that they’re using an email address with their domain name that matches the website (as opposed to using something like a gmail account) as the main event admin contact.

Their email hosting (NOT the same as the website host) is handled by Microsoft (I believe Microsoft Office 365). The folks at Microsoft are still not able to figure out why the emails are being blocked, so they’ve requested that we ask for the exact technical details on how the emails are being sent by the EE plugin. Is it possible for us to get this information to pass along to Microsoft so they can work to resolve this issue?


  • Support Staff

August 22, 2012 at 8:25 pm

The emails are generated in /include/functions/email.php (located in the Event Espresso plugin folder) and sent via the WordPress wp_mail function. What happens after that depends on how the outgoing mail server is set up, which can vary depending on how the host has set up their email servers.

You might try bypassing the mail server and sending the email by means of the WP Mail SMTP plugin through a gmail account.

Kelsey Chmilar

September 25, 2012 at 11:39 am

In order for our service provider to solve the issue, they need some more information.
1. When you configure a particular email id as the admin mail id responsible for sending emails, how does is the connection being mail to the mailbox for sending the email.
2. How does it authenticates when you are not providing any credentials.
3. Once the authentication is done how are the emails sent, are they sent using the mailbox if yes, are the sent email in the sent items folder. If the answer is no then how exactly the mails are being sent without using the mailbox.

Seth Shoultes

  • Support Staff

September 27, 2012 at 8:41 am

Not sure we can answer these questions for you. All mail sent from Event Espresso uses built in WordPress functions. This definitely sounds like a problem with your server or the hosting provider. And your hosting provider should know the answers to these questions, because they are the ones in control of your server. If they can’t figure out what is going on, then it may be a

good time to move to a different hosting provider.

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