
Home Forums Roles and Permissions Add-ons (EE3) Event Manager Can Still Update All Events

Event Manager Can Still Update All Events

Posted: March 15, 2014 at 10:28 am

Greg Davis

March 15, 2014 at 10:28 am

I have activated the roles & permissions add-on and read the documentation and other forum posts on how to get this work properly and I seem to be very close, but cannot seem to be able to restrict the Event Admin role to update only their own events.

I have changed the capabilities of the role to have only 2: espresso_event_manager and upload_files (see here)

I have assigned a test user to the role (Espresso Master Admin),
yet, when logged in as this user, I can still edit all EE events.

I am using EE version and EE Permissions version 1.5.5.p

If you like I can PM you the test username and password so you can see for yourself.


March 17, 2014 at 2:08 am


The Event Admin and Event Manager are two different roles.

The Event Admin comes with Roles and Permissions Basic, and allows you to give a user EE admin access but not site admin access.

The Event Manager comes with Roles and Permissions Pro and is specifically designed to have limited access to only the events they create (and whatever access you give to them in respect to Event Espresso).

Greg Davis

March 17, 2014 at 4:36 am

Hi Dean and thanks for the response. The Roles & Permissions Pro add on seems to focus on geography / regions as a controlling factor to distinguish between events and who can manage them. What about a situation where you want to limit control with in the same location and only allow certain managers access to certain events within that location?


March 17, 2014 at 5:45 am

Hi Greg,

There is some focus on geo-location through the Regional Manager role. The Event Manager role is slightly different and does not use the locales system.

So, if you have for instance 2 events, one in Manchester and one in London, you can use the Regional Manager and the locales system. Any manager tied to the locale Manchester can only access events tied to the same locale (you can add multiple of these).

It works via venues, so creating a venue with the locale Manchester and adding that to an event will make that event visible to the regional manager.

Event Managers differ in that they can only access events that they have themselves created (even admins cannot give access to an event), and ignore locales etc.

To me it sounds like you would want to use Event Manager so that staff A can create and access event one and staff B can create and access event two, but they cant access each others events.

Greg Davis

March 17, 2014 at 5:51 am

Thanks Dean, that is correct. We need manager A to have access to his/her events and manager B only to his/her’s. I am correct to assume that an Admin would still have access to all events?


March 17, 2014 at 6:47 am

Hi Greg,

Yep, Site Admins and Event Admins have access to every event.

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