I changed my site URL to move a site from dev to live, and now Event Espresso shows no settings in the WordPress admin. The top of the admin area says, “Event Espresso must be configured.” I can see the “missing” data in the database.
I haven’t changed DNS for the domain yet, so I’m using the hosts file trick to view the site at its domain.
What is your WordPress version? 3.7.1
What are the versions of Event Espresso and the installed add-ons? Event Espresso 3.1.35.P, Event Espresso – Calendar
Is this a new installation, or one that was recently upgraded? Site moved from dev to live; never activated license.
If your site is online, please include a link to the registration page. Not yet online
This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Chad Warner.
I haven’t personally had much success with moving sites with backupbuddy and it was the same missing data in the database issue where I used to run into trouble. The WP Migrate DB plugin has worked really well for me whenever I have to move a database from one server to another.
Nevermind. I ended up using BackupBuddy to duplicate the site to the new URL, and Event Espresso works properly. I suspect there was an issue with serialized data that BackupBuddy took care of but simply changing the URL in the database did not.
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