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Event Espresso override the translation

Posted: January 2, 2013 at 11:33 am

Daniel Riou

January 2, 2013 at 11:33 am


I have translated the plugin with much success and I am happy with the translation. However, there seems to be 3 words that can’t be translated. It’s personal information, First Name, and Last Name. I use Codestyling localisation plugin (another great plugin by the way). I can’t find «personal information». Also, it seems that Event Espresso overrides my changes to First Name and Last Name. Here is what the translation plugin tells me : The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
The affected unknown textdomains are: twentyten, events_espreso, event_espreso, event espresso, debug-bar.
Any clue on how I could correct this?

Daniel Riou

January 2, 2013 at 11:54 am

Please delete this question I found the answer in your old forum. Thanks

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