
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso not working with theme?

Event Espresso not working with theme?

Posted: June 28, 2012 at 4:01 am

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  • Support Staff

June 28, 2012 at 8:46 am

You can probably get this theme to work, but it will take some troubleshooting. Themes that follow standard WordPress development practices will typically work fine with Event Espresso.

You could try installing the theme check plugin for recommendations on how to bring the theme up to WordPress coding standards. Also, if you view the registration page, you might get a JavaScript warning.

With the symptoms you’ve reported, it might help to wrap the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortcode in [raw] short tags like so: [raw][ESPRESSO_EVENTS][/raw] If the theme supports the [raw] short tag, that would fix any autop formatting issues, which tend to break things.


July 1, 2012 at 9:20 am

Hi Josh and thanks for your reply.

I reall would like to get this theme working. I bought it a Themeforest where I usually have had good experiences with the quality of the themes…

I did what you told me to do but it still didn’t work. But, like I said, when I changed the theme to twenty ten or twenty eleven it works!

A guy trying to help me asks: “For this plugin is any hook, action needed from theme? Could you give me any idea? I am pretty sure its not js error.”

Or, would your paid premium support cover something like this if we can’t solve it in the forums?

Kind regards,
Arto Steiner


  • Support Staff

July 2, 2012 at 9:54 am

No hooks or actions are required from the theme for Event Espresso to work properly. Many themes from Themeforest will typically work out of the box, or need a slight tweak (some Themeforest themes have outdated versions of jQuery included, but I do not think that’s the problem here. It sounds like it could be a conflict with a theme function. Does this theme have functions that alter the_content() ?

We do offer the premium support token option for instances like this.

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