
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso: Google Analytics Goal Tracking when payment is through Paypal

Event Espresso: Google Analytics Goal Tracking when payment is through Paypal

Posted: June 4, 2014 at 2:44 pm

Wendy Brooks

June 4, 2014 at 2:44 pm

Hi EE Folks,

I’m trying to do something that I think should be pretty straightforward: create a goal in Google Analytics that is completed when the payment_overview.php template is triggered after someone pays via Paypal.

Originally, I thought I could just track the default thank-you page (which is:

However, when I go through and actually pay for a test event, I end up on a page that looks something like:

It appears that the thank you page is the same for all events — is that correct?

(So, if I set up the Google Analytics goal with a regular expression that looks for /page_id=258/ I should be okay — is that correct? I understand that for a different website, the page_id= might be different.)

Thank you!

Sidney Harrell

June 5, 2014 at 1:56 pm

The code that generates the return url could use an update. You might try making a copy of the paypal folder from plugins/event-espresso/gateways to uploads/espresso/gateways, and then change lines 76-78 of paypal_vars.php to:

$myPaypal->addField('return', espresso_build_gateway_url('return_url', $payment_data, 'paypal'));
$myPaypal->addField('cancel_return', espresso_build_gateway_url('cancel_url', $payment_data, 'paypal'));
$myPaypal->addField('notify_url', espresso_build_gateway_url('notify_url', $payment_data, 'paypal'));

That should take your users back to the thank-you page with the pretty permalink.

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