
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso core conflict

Event Espresso core conflict

Posted: November 25, 2023 at 12:17 pm

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November 25, 2023 at 12:17 pm

I have been using EE for years. I have two sites using EE ( & and they had been on a host (UltraWebsiteHosting) with no issues.

I needed to change hosts, so I moved my sites to a new host (Vultr). The leiag site moved with no issues. LDconsulting had a conflict with the EE Core plugin. In troubleshooting I turned off all plugins and it ran fine. I turned on EE Core and it hung up again. I could turn on all plugins with the exception of EE Core and it would run fine.

I moved to another new host that specifically hosts WP ( with the same issues. has no problems and the same problems appear with

I felt it may be a theme issue, so I created a staging site on wpx and changed all my site over to Divi from Di Blog, and it works mostly fine on the staging site. The only exception is the activity circle in the browser bar runs continuously.

WPX troubleshot the site by deleting the old installation of LDConsulting and manually moving over the site from staging with the same issues. They said this:

“It seems that the plugin event-espresso-core-reg is causing the issue because even if the website is loading in the staging(which can be connected with a cache) the website is taking more than 20 seconds to fully load

Even if you are trying to run a speed test with Gtmetrix for the staging website, it is failing because the website is taking too long to fully load.

Also I have notice that when this plugin is active it is causing an issue in the SSH when we are running commands.

In that case I will advise you to reach to the plugin support for further investigation and information.”

and if you go to the link in their response you can see their screenshot.

Is it possible to get support for this issue?


  • Support Staff

November 26, 2023 at 5:04 pm

Good to hear you made some troubleshooting.

lets try to check first if there plugin conflict. then we go to check if there’s a theme conflict. But, i don’t think its DIVI since i saw some DIVI user who use EE.

We can start troubleshooting by doing this,

You can use or any similar plugin.

You can do the above using Troubleshooting mode:

Tools -> Site Health -> Troubleshooting -> Enabled Troubleshooting mode.

That will disable all plugins and switch to a default theme and then allow you to enable specific plugins whilst in troubleshooting mode. Once disabled you will revert back to the current state.

Do you also try to enable your debug log? did you see any error message?


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