
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Event Espresso Calendar (2)

Event Espresso Calendar (2)

Posted: May 12, 2016 at 9:57 am

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May 12, 2016 at 9:57 am

Hi there! I just migrated a site from a development environment to it’s home on the correct server. Everythinfg else on the site is fine, but as soon as I add the shortcode for the Calendar view [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR] to a page, the page goes completely blank. Do I need to somehow disconnect the plugin from the other site? I have disabled it on site A, and only have it enabled on site B, but that has not made a difference. And, I have assigned the Event Espresso plugin to the appropriate domain. Please help!!!


May 12, 2016 at 10:02 am

Here’s a page where the calendar is supposed to show: It worked fine on the testing site, which was on the same server in a subdirectory.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 10:05 am

Hi there,

The plugin can still run on the other server and will not affect the calendar on the new server. There’s likely a difference between the two server’s configurations, where the new server might not be up to spec to run the calendar. When the page goes completely blank, are any errors recorded to the server’s error log?

Based on the information you’ve reported here, I’d guess that the new server might be running low on memory, where the development server had sufficient memory.

You can follow this guide to bump the memory:


May 12, 2016 at 11:08 am

Hi again! Thanks so much for the quick response! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, I actually didn’t change servers… I went from a subdirectory to the main directory.

It was working fine at: (site A)
But it did not work at: (site B)

Because the new site (site B) is live, I removed the short code from the page until the issue is resolved. So, I added it to a new page that is not a public page so that we can troubleshoot. That page address is:

I’ve never looked through server errors before, so I don’t know where to start with that. But, it seems that if it’s on the same server, it’s not a server issue. But, I could be wrong.

Thanks so much for helping me!


May 12, 2016 at 11:19 am

My colleague just helped me find the error. Is this helpful?

espresso_calendar.js?ver=3.2.6.p:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: eeCAL is not defined(anonymous function) @ espresso_calendar.js?ver=3.2.6.p:3i @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2j.fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2n.extend.ready @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2K @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2


May 12, 2016 at 11:22 am

I was just thinking… there was an update for EE that I was only able to apply to the new site today (because I didn’t want to apply the purchase code to the development site). Is it possible that this update is causing the issue?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:05 pm

Its unlikely the cause is due to the update.

You can apply updates on the development copy of the site without a license key, you just need to do it manually:

In a nutshell, download the latest version from your account page, de-activate and delete the current version within Dashboard -> Plugins.

Then upload the new version through Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Uploads plugins. Select the new version you just downloaded to you computer.

It looks like there is a fatal error being thrown on the page, when I view here:

No content loads at all, just the background, like this –

Which normally means there’s an error being thrown preventing the content from being sent to the browser from the server.

The error you have provided above is a ‘client side’ error, as in it’s an error thrown within your browser because something is missing. You need the error from the server side.

Do you have FTP access to the site, or access to cPanel or similar within your hosting account?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:08 pm

Not remotely possible. Do the two sites have the same theme and plugins installed?


May 12, 2016 at 12:13 pm

Yes, I have cPanel access through the Bluehost account.

Yes, site B is an exact clone of site A. the only difference is that I updated The Event Espresso plugin after I migrated on site B.


May 12, 2016 at 12:16 pm

Yes, the page display that you are showing in your screenshot is exactly what I get on my end. It only happens on a page if I add the Calendar shortcode. I’ve experimented with other shortcodes and they work fine.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:20 pm

Yes, site B is an exact clone of site A. the only difference is that I updated The Event Espresso plugin after I migrated on site B.

When you cloned the site did you migrate the DB? If so what did you use?

You need to enable WP_DEBUG on the site so we can view the server side error. You do that within the wp-config.php file of your site.

You can use the code here:

To tell WordPress to log the errors and not display them on your site directly. (Depending on your theme/plugins you could be throwing all kinds of notices which will then all display)

You add that somewhere before the line /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ like so –


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:30 pm

When you clone one WordPress site to another site, you need to use a plugin like WP Migrate DB or WP Migrate DB Pro. This is because there are serialized arrays of options that have the /crt/ part of the URL and file paths carried over to the new site. Parts of the new site will not be able to function correctly since it doesn’t have the /crt/ in the URL, but there are options pointing to URLs that include /crt/.


May 12, 2016 at 12:35 pm

I used the professional version of UpdraftPlus to clone the site. I’ve used it 20+ times to migrate sites effectively.

The only issue that I am experiencing is with this plugin extension.


May 12, 2016 at 12:38 pm

With the event espresso plugin disabled, the new page displays and functions correctly. It’s currently disabled and you can now see the page.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:38 pm

Then they’re not exactly exact copies then are they? Please disregard what I said about migrating the data, and you can read Tony’s follow up above.


May 12, 2016 at 12:44 pm

I’ve added the debug code to wp-config.php. Can you take a look and see if that helps? Thanks… I really do appreciate your help!


May 12, 2016 at 12:45 pm

I’ll go ahead and enable Event Espresso again.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 12:49 pm

The only issue that I am experiencing is with this plugin extension.

Unfortunately that does not mean very much when it comes to plugins.

Most plugins are no-where near as complex as Event Espresso, there is a huge amount going on under the hood and we do our best to make sure EE assets only load on pages they need to, which is not as simple as it sounds when you offer as much flexibility as we do with output.

So you may have migrated 20+ sites, all using various plugins, but did those plugins have anywhere near the functionality EE does? I’m guessing no as otherwise this would have come up before.

We are happy to help you work through this but note you mentioned yourself it worked on site A, but not on site B, the only difference between those two as far as we know is the migration.

So now you have the code above in place, (I’ve visited the page above) if you look within /wp-content/ do you see a debug.log file?


May 12, 2016 at 12:58 pm

Hi Tony! We’ve actually worked with/migrated sites using Event Espresso. We really love the plugin. This is the first time I’ve encountered an issue like this. And, it’s the only time I’ve ever used the calendar extension. So, I am only using my personal experiences to help me identify the issue.

I am looking at the file manager through Bluehost and I do not see a debug.log file. ๐Ÿ™ Sorry that I am not more experienced at the debugging part.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 1:04 pm

It might be the file permissions are set in such a way that it doesn’t let WordPress add a debug.log file there. You can add one though. Then, once there’s a debug.log file in the wp-content directory, and you refresh the page with the calendar short code on it, WP should be able to write the error to the debug.log file.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 1:10 pm

OK, we can display the error on the page, then disable wp debug again. Change the code you used previously to:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
    @ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );

Load up the calendar page and see if you see an error.

Edit – or following Josh’s steps should work too.


May 12, 2016 at 1:12 pm

I manually added a file named debug.log to the wp-content directory, I’ve refreshed the page a number of times, and when i open the log it is empty. ๐Ÿ™


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 1:19 pm

Have you tried my other suggestion to display the error rather than log it?


May 12, 2016 at 1:23 pm

Yes, I updated the code in wp-config.php. Can you see the errors? Where should I look?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 1:27 pm

No I can not see anything on either the new or old site.

To confirm, what pages have the ESPRESSO_CALENDAR shortcode currently?


May 12, 2016 at 1:31 pm


May 12, 2016 at 1:35 pm

Would it be helpful for you to have site access?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 1:37 pm

I don’t mean to cause offense here, but are you sure your editing the correct wp-config.php file for that site?

It would be rare that absolutely no errors are displayed on the site with WP_DEBUG enabled, especially with a suspected fatal error.

Unless bluehost are overriding the display errors setting.


May 12, 2016 at 1:38 pm

When I googled the error that I shared with you, I got this result:

Unfortunately, it doesn’t show a resolution on the area that I am able to view… but it looks like someone else has had the issue… maybe that’s helpful?


May 12, 2016 at 1:42 pm

No offense taken! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m editing the file that is directly in public_html/wp-content so I think it’s the right one. The other files in this diectory are new as of today, which is when I migrated. The permissions for the wp-content folder are 0755 and the permissions for the debug.log are 0644. Should I change any of them?


May 12, 2016 at 1:52 pm

Maybe this will be helpful:

PHP error_log:

** redacted **

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed sensitive server info


May 12, 2016 at 1:59 pm

Here’s an error that’s directly related to EE:

[12-May-2016 15:51:12 UTC] PHP Warning: fopen(*redacted*/wp-content/plugins/ee4-events-calendar/espresso_calendar.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in *redacted*/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4568

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed sensitive server info


May 12, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Should I try deleting and reinstalling EE? Will I lose any of my data if I do?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Those error will be helpful for anyone that may want to compromise your site. I’ll remove that now.

We can take a few minutes and make sure that things are set up correctly if you can provide FTP access and temporary WP admin access via the secure form on this page:

Please send WordPress admin level log in credentials via the contact form on this page:

Please do not post any additional sensitive server information in this thread.


May 12, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Thank you… I didn’t realize that info was public! I just filled in the form and sent you all of the info that you requested. thank you so much for taking the time and helping me to figure this out.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 2:58 pm

When the calendar was displaying over on
was the Pagelines theme activated at that time? It appears that if the Pagelines theme gets activated, the calendar’s EE_Cal variable doesn’t make it onto the page.


May 12, 2016 at 3:12 pm

Yes, I’ve been using the same theme for the entire development of the site.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 3:20 pm

So where is the calendar working on the other site?


May 12, 2016 at 3:38 pm

I just went back to send you a link, but now see that it’s not working there either. It WAS working there. In fact, one of your support technicians sent a screenshot of it on mobile view just days ago.

I just completed a training session with the client on Tuesday and it was working as well.

I’m sure I speak for all of us when I express my frustration that this was working and now it’s not.

I did take a screenshot of what happened to this formerly working page when it was loading earlier today, because it had an error message on it.

see image here


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 3:48 pm

Were any files or settings for the Pagelines theme changed since the moment the calendar was displaying?


May 12, 2016 at 3:52 pm

Before I migrated this morning, I updated anything that had an update available. It’s likely that they did have an update that I made. Other than that, I did not make ANY changes to the site today. I just posted to their user group to see if anyone has any insight.

The screenshot of that error was taken today, on a page that won’t even load now. So, that doesn’t add up either.

My head hurts… how about yours?


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 4:03 pm

I think what may have happened is an update to either the Pagelines plugin or theme has a new bug that’s affecting the loading of the calendar localized script. I can apply a temporary fix to the Pagelines child theme’s functions.php file, but it’d be best to contact Pagelines support and inquire about what changed in the latest updates and mention that it’s affecting the Espresso Calendar short code where it calls wp_localize_script().


May 12, 2016 at 4:37 pm

Hi Josh! I would really appreciate that! The client is very anxious to announce the new site!

If you tell me what to modify, I can do it to site A (or give you credentials to do it there as well) so that we can tell if the issue resolves when they make an update. I also posted to the user group and so hopefully that will help too.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2016 at 4:47 pm

I had already added the fix to the end of the child theme’s functions.php file before your last reply. You’re welcome to do what you may with that fix.


May 12, 2016 at 5:46 pm

Josh, Thank you SOOOOO much for your support today! I really can’t thank you enough. You’ve been amazingly responsive, patient (with me!) and knowledgeable.


  • Support Staff

May 13, 2016 at 7:53 am

You’re welcome.

Jackie Sherman

May 28, 2016 at 12:42 pm

Hi there! My client reached out to me today and noted that the same page on the site was not working. As soon as I removed the calendar shortcode from that page, it worked again.

So, I currently have it removed from the page Shows and Events page. I did place the shortcode on a hidden page so that we can troubleshoot without affecting the live page.

The changes that you made to resolve this issue before were to the child theme, so it has not been touched. Can you take a look and see if you can fix this again? I had reached out to Pagelines/Platform 5 to work with you about this, but I’m not sure if this has moved forward at all.


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2016 at 8:53 am

Hi there,

I checked, and the code I added to the page lines child theme is no longer. It looks like the child theme’s files were updated on May 26. I will go ahead and add the fix again. Once that’s done, can you make a backup of the functions.php file? This way, if it happens again where it’s removed, you can restore to the backup.


May 31, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Josh, thank you so much! I have no idea how that happened. I’ve made a backup of the file this time and we are all set! Thanks again for the quick response. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2016 at 3:36 pm

You’re welcome.

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