
Home Forums Pre-Releases Event Espresso 3.2.A.1.1

Event Espresso 3.2.A.1.1

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 2:57 pm

Viewing 27 reply threads

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

August 31, 2012 at 2:57 pm

You can get your copy of Event Espresso 3.2.A.1.1 here:

Update 9/7/2012: Added warning if installed on a WordPress site that previously had an earlier version of Event Espresso installed.

Please post any issues or questions you have about this release in this thread so we can track them. Thanks!

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Chris Reynolds.
  • This topic was modified 11 years ago by Josh.

Mark Taylor

September 3, 2012 at 3:06 pm

When adding an event, the ‘event pricing’, I deleted all the ones that were there by default, adding my own. But, now it won’t let me order them. They’re all zeros. I enter in a new order, save page and still zero. Using Firefox, WP 3.4.1.

Also, I like the new way to enter in date and times. However, the data doesn’t stick. I put in dates, then they default to another time. Can’t change from pm to am. Slider won’t show all times, so I can’t select an AM time. If I type in AM, defaults back to PM. I noticed this is mainly prudent when ‘cloning’ a date/time. Ideally, I don’t want an end time. In the old version, I can leave the end time field blank. This one, won’t allow that and every time I type in the field, it defaults to something else. Very buggy. Can’t get any times in there to show up correctly. Attaching screenshot.

enter image description here

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Mark Taylor.

Mark Taylor

September 3, 2012 at 3:25 pm

I do have the Groupon module installed, but when trying to access the settings via the WP admin by clicking on, ‘Groupon Codes’, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function event_espresso_display_right_column() in //wp-content/plugins/espresso-groupons/groupons_admin_page.php on line 248

Server is: PHP Version 5.3.13, MySQL 5.077

See screenshot:
enter image description here

Mark Taylor

September 3, 2012 at 3:33 pm

I get a whole bunch of errors on the payments setting page. Files can’t be found. See attached screenshot. It seems as though I was able to activate and configure PayPal however.

enter image description here

Mark Taylor

September 3, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Event doesn’t show up, bunch of code is displayed. Best to just show:

Attaching screenshots, for I’ll be deactivating 3.2 soon:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Mark Taylor.

Even Onsager

September 4, 2012 at 8:10 am

I like the visual changes a lot. A lot more intuitive and less cluttered. The administration panels are much-improved and easier to navigate, Event pricing is especially nice (both in the Event pricing menu and in the event editor).

But I noticed a couple of things almost immediately:

After choosing the number of tickets for the event, I’m stuck at the “Attendee Information” stage. The “Registration step 2” button literally does nothing. It seems there should be a registration form with name and email at this point, but there’s nothing.

I’m also confused as to whether or not creating several “Dates & Times” in the same event will make it the same as a recurrence. EVENT_LIST doesn’t show the second recurrence at all, I have to enter the event itself to know there’s more than one show.

Where do you assign waitlist events now? I can’t find it. Also, can you assign waitlists to one recurrence on the same event ID?

I haven’t installed (nor do I plan to install) the Multiple Events Registration plugin, so I’m a bit disappointed that the registration process now seems shopping cart-based out-of-the-box. This is a change I definitely do not want, but I suppose it can be changed to remove that feel? Or at least easily hacked?

Where do you colour-code the event calendar by categories now? The event categories don’t seem to have hex colours at all anymore.

I like most of the changes (the ones that work), but at this point I feel it’s basically pre-alpha. Which is fine.

Darren Ethier

September 4, 2012 at 8:51 am

Thanks for your feedback Evan (and Mark)! The whole point of releasing this alpha version of EE3.2 is to start gathering feedback from customers who will be using the product, so we willingly receive positive and negative comments to get an understanding of what is working well and what still needs work. As one of the developers working on 3.2 I just wanted to pop in and let you know we’re reading these comments. Keep them coming!

Again, its worth repeating that we aren’t expecting everything will work well with these early versions (hence the warning not to use this on production or live sites).

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 11:08 am


I do have the Groupon module installed, but when trying to access the settings via the WP admin by clicking on, ‘Groupon Codes’, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function event_espresso_display_right_column() in //wp-content/plugins/espresso-groupons/groupons_admin_page.php on line 248

Groupon Integration has not been set up for 3.2 (yet).

I get a whole bunch of errors on the payments setting page. Files can’t be found. See attached screenshot. It seems as though I was able to activate and configure PayPal however.

Is this a fresh install or did you install on top of an old/existing version of Event Espresso? There shouldn’t be that many different gateways in 3.2. Not all of the gateways have been built yet. If you tried installing on top of an existing Event Espresso installation or on a site that had previously had Event Espresso installed, you will not be able to use 3.2. It needs to be installed on a fresh server. You should also check your /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways to make sure you don’t have anything in there. However, again, there’s no reason you should have anything in the gateways folder in the uploads if this was a fresh install.

Event doesn’t show up, bunch of code is displayed. Best to just show:

Based on the fact that the events are showing now, I’m guessing you didn’t test 3.2 on a fresh site but rather on a site that already had Event Espresso. I want to express again that 3.2 cannot be used on a site that was previously running Event Espresso. This is only during the pre-release testing phase — when we release the final version, there will be update scripts to assist with the upgrade process but these have not been written yet (and aren’t likely to be written until the later stages of development). Using Event Espresso on an existing install will likely break your existing install (as you have seen).


I’m also confused as to whether or not creating several “Dates & Times” in the same event will make it the same as a recurrence.

Sort of. It will be an event that occurs on different dates and times. Previous versions allowed events to have additional times, but not different dates. It’s not specifically a recurrence but it can be used as one. As to displaying the additional dates and times, there may still be work coming for the event list, but those templates should be able to be edited to display those times.

Where do you assign waitlist events now? I can’t find it.

That may not have been added yet.

I haven’t installed (nor do I plan to install) the Multiple Events Registration plugin, so I’m a bit disappointed that the registration process now seems shopping cart-based out-of-the-box.

It’s not. It definitely pulls that kind of interface in from previous versions of Multi Event Registration, but Multi Event Registration 2.0 is going to add an actual shopping cart where many events can be saved as someone navigates throughout the site. The built-in Event Espresso event registration will not have this cart functionality, but they are both using the same registration/checkout process. It’s a change, but we’re trying to make the registration process easier and more familiar for end users and what people are most used to is a standard e-commerce checkout process.

Where do you colour-code the event calendar by categories now?

That needs to be added back in to 3.2.

I like most of the changes (the ones that work), but at this point I feel it’s basically pre-alpha. Which is fine.

Well, it’s pre-beta, which traditionally is when the software is made available. There will be one more alpha release as we start adding the essential components back in, and then 2 planned beta releases (and possibly more as we start getting into the real bugfixing stage before the release candidate(s)).

Even Onsager

September 5, 2012 at 1:37 am

My pre-alpha comment wasn’t meant to be snide, I know it’s pre-beta. I was basically just saying that I expected the most essential part of the plugin – registering for an event – to work even in an alpha release, as features like email tags, confirmation pages, etc needs basic registration to work before we can test them properly.

But I also stressed that it’s fine. 🙂

One more thing: I’m anxious to find out exactly where the recurrence-within-the-same-eventID feature is going. Will it be possible to assign waitlists to each and every date&time, even without separate ID’s? I love the simplicity of the dates&times window, but I have to be able to assign waitlists to every date&time, otherwise I can’t use it for my purposes.

> what people are most used to is a standard e-commerce checkout process.

I can see why you’re doing this, it’s just that for me (who organizes free theatre shows and mostly free conferences), a shopping-esque registration process is just not a step in the right direction. Adding steps is – again, just in my case – needlessly complicated. I don’t need it to be exactly like 3.1.x though, and if I can use, say, a custom file to avoid the overly shopping-esque terms, I’m sure I’ll be happy. A clear indication that you need to complete step 2 (e.g.) to make a reservation is fine by me. (I realise that my use case is a niche: my form needs towards the end user are extremely basic (I could almost use a simple contact form plugin), but I need very solid recurrence and waitlist management under the hood.)


September 6, 2012 at 6:58 am


I like the new version, but had several of the same errors – eg missing files in the Payment Gateways and the registration stopping at stage 2, trouble with the am/pm settings in times, etc.

By way of additional feedback, I was wondering few things?

First whether you need the Surcharge field in the event Overview screen anymore as it’s largely replaced by the excellent new pricing module?

Second, could we have ‘timeless’ events? One thing I sell in addition to training conferences is online webinars and they are downloadble on a permanent basis following launch – so they don’t have a date – but EE can sell them for me fine it just confuses customers when they see a date. I guess I could just hack the dates out of the code where they show up….

Third – I like the new pricing and discount system – at some point in the future it would be nice to have a ‘buy one get one free/x£ or x% off’ or “second/third booking half price” type option? (and if possible can discounts be a. cumulative (ie you can have an early bird plus a multi-booking) and b. exclusive (ie you only get one).

Keep up the good work chaps, this is an excellent plugin.


  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Paul.


September 6, 2012 at 7:39 pm

Events from version 3.1.25 don’t show up in v3.2.a.1

Themeroller on the calendar highlights a day every-month like its today.

Paypal pro payment hangs after step 2

registration step one has no fields to enter details like name and what not.


September 6, 2012 at 8:27 pm

There is no event widget showing on the WordPress widgets screen, only the calendar widget is there.


September 6, 2012 at 11:45 pm

I haven’t reviewed this alpha yet but I’d like to see better handling of reoccurring events for situations where a program with multiple days are schedule and registration is for all classes in a series. Another wish applies to that same scenario. It be nice to have a payment option to break payments up “think tuition” where your registered after the first partial payment (amount configurable by admin) and then invoiced or can return to you account to make further payments.

AND one last wish. Should be pretty simple; to be able to add a line item labeled whatever you want instead of just “surcharge”

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 7, 2012 at 3:22 pm


I expected the most essential part of the plugin – registering for an event – to work even in an alpha release

Registering for an event should be working. We made it a point to hold off on releasing the first alpha before people could actually do a registration. What part of the registration process is not working for you?

Will it be possible to assign waitlists to each and every date&time, even without separate ID’s?

I just asked our lead developer and this wasn’t something he wasn’t thinking about initially, but he is now and we may be able to integrate the overflows into the new date/times so you could set one of your date/times as an overflow event. However, this may not make it into 3.2. It may come in an update down the road.

if I can use, say, a custom file to avoid the overly shopping-esque terms, I’m sure I’ll be happy

Yes, you should be able to do that. In fact, you can start hacking away at the templates now if you want to start playing with it. That’s one of the reasons we wanted to pre-release the plugin at this stage, so developers can start taking a look at the template files and begin customizing them for their sites so they are ready to go when we release 3.2.


First whether you need the Surcharge field in the event Overview screen anymore as it’s largely replaced by the excellent new pricing module?

Good point, we will have to look into whether that’s still needed.

could we have ‘timeless’ events? One thing I sell in addition to training conferences is online webinars and they are downloadble on a permanent basis following launch – so they don’t have a date – but EE can sell them for me fine it just confuses customers when they see a date.

Those aren’t really events then. Those are more like products (since you’re selling access to a specific webcast). Event Espresso doesn’t currently support products very well, but it’s something that we should be able to revisit after 3.2 is released because much of the framework will be there.

I like the new pricing and discount system – at some point in the future it would be nice to have a ‘buy one get one free/x£ or x% off’ or “second/third booking half price” type option? (and if possible can discounts be a. cumulative (ie you can have an early bird plus a multi-booking) and b. exclusive (ie you only get one).

We’ve been working on this as part of the Volume Discounts add-on. You can download a pre-release of that (for 3.1.x) here:


Events from version 3.1.25 don’t show up in v3.2.a.1

You shouldn’t be installing 3.2 on top of 3.1.25 anyway (in fact, I am uploading a version today that displays a warning and doesn’t let you use the plugin if you’re trying to use it on a site that previously had Event Espresso installed). As stated above, 3.2 does not have any of the update scripts to convert events from 3.1.x to use in 3.2 and could actually damage your 3.1.x installation. This is why we’ve made it part of the form to download that you acknowledge that you will use it on a fresh installation.

don't install on 3.1

Themeroller on the calendar highlights a day every-month like its today.

That’s a bug in the current version of the calendar. It’s not a 3.2 issue. There is a ticket open to address this.

Paypal pro payment hangs after step 2
registration step one has no fields to enter details like name and what not.

These two things may be related (e.g. if there are no fields in step one then you would not be able to complete the registration/payment in step 2. Again, though, this might be a product of having installed 3.2 on top of 3.1.25.

There is no event widget showing on the WordPress widgets screen, only the calendar widget is there.

The widget has not been built yet.


I haven’t reviewed this alpha yet but I’d like to see better handling of reoccurring events for situations where a program with multiple days are schedule and registration is for all classes in a series.

We will need to rewrite REM after we release 3.2, so this will be something we can be thinking about when we work on that.

It be nice to have a payment option to break payments up “think tuition” where your registered after the first partial payment (amount configurable by admin) and then invoiced or can return to you account to make further payments.

Partial payments is something we plan on working on after we release 3.2 and it will be much easier to handle with the new registration/payment system.

AND one last wish. Should be pretty simple; to be able to add a line item labeled whatever you want instead of just “surcharge”

You can do this now in the General Settings page in 3.1.x.


September 8, 2012 at 6:24 pm

” Paypal pro payment hangs after step 2
registration step one has no fields to enter details like name and what not.

That was partly my fault, there no option to skip payment over view. If I would have clicked the pro icon It may have worked.

As stated above, 3.2 does not have any of the update scripts to convert events from 3.1.x to use in 3.2 and could actually damage your 3.1.x installation. “

It does damage the mysql database. I just tried it for fun. To restore it I had a backup of the database.

Another thing is that when I switch surcharge and VAT to off they still show up in the checkout.


September 8, 2012 at 9:32 pm

I’d love to see custom fields for events so I can use ogtitle, ogimage, ogdescription; for Facebook. I read somewhere that 3.2 has more hooks.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 11, 2012 at 1:42 pm

It does damage the mysql database. I just tried it for fun. To restore it I had a backup of the database.

One major change that could add a lot of work to your day if you are trying to use 3.2 on top of 3.1 at this stage is that we’ve switched our true/false database values from ‘Y’ and ‘N’ (which is what we were previously using) to actual boolean 1/0, true/false values. So for something like a column for is_active which in 3.1 would use Y or N to determine whether an event was active will have no status in 3.2 because the value is neither true nor false.

3.2 is adding a ton of hooks, so building on Event Espresso should be a lot easier and more flexible moving forward.

Seth Shoultes

  • Support Staff

September 12, 2012 at 12:28 am

@Chris we are building a Facebook integration for 3.2 as we speak. We were just reviewing the implementation with our developers earlier this evening.

So far the addon will allow your customers to auto-populate the fields of the registration form with the data that is on file at Facebook. We are also adding the ability to post the event details to your timeline after the registration has been finalized.

Is that along the lines of what you are looking for?


September 12, 2012 at 12:53 am

Thats not quite spot on. Currently I use php code in a custom plugin to take advantage of the wordpress custom fields on pages. I name the custom fields to coordinate the php in the plugin. Names I set are image, ogdes, ogtitle. The values then I set for facebook to read from. The plugin I built to do this adds the meta tags per each individuals page from those custom fields to the source. Say I have a social bar on the site with a dynamic like buton. When a visitor clicks like the ogtitle, ogimage, and ogdescription display properly on Facebook timelines. For example if you go to the FB debugger:

And you enter my new site:

The custom set og tags are shown. If you look at my source on the page itself; the meta tage looks like:

All those are set from the post/page custom fields.
If you check all that out, I love how 3.2 is coming along. I’ve been watching progress of early 3.1. What I’m asking about is; If each event will have custom fields? If not decided then you can see what I’m trying to do but I’m unsure how this will happen if all the events are on the same page but with shortcode changing the page inside.

Even Onsager

September 12, 2012 at 8:09 am

> Registering for an event should be working. We made it a point to hold off on releasing the first alpha before people could actually do a registration. What part of the registration process is not working for you?

Sorry for the late reply, I haven’t been using the test install at all since last week and I’m extremely busy with other stuff, so I can only repeat what I said last time: “After choosing the number of tickets for the event, I’m stuck at the “Attendee Information” stage. The “Registration step 2″ button literally does nothing. It seems there should be a registration form with name and email at this point, but there’s nothing.”

I know that’s annoyingly unspecific (more or less a “shrug report”), but it’s all I can report right now. I’ll hopefully be able to test more this week, but it may take longer.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Even Onsager.

Seth Shoultes

  • Support Staff

September 12, 2012 at 8:26 am

Thanks Even!

Seth Shoultes

  • Support Staff

September 12, 2012 at 8:28 am

@Chris it looks like your “meta tags” code got stripped out for some reason. Can you please try adding it again? Try adding back ticks around the code after pasting it in.



September 12, 2012 at 3:14 pm

The code sits right by, or under the meta description(for Google search) and meta keywords. The code that got stripped:

/meta property=”og:image” content=”” />

/meta property=”og:title” content=”The Kids Cooking Corner” />

/meta property=”og:description” content=”The Kids Cooking Corner teaches youth from Washington and Oregon how to cook healthy and have fun.” />

Facebook likes to see explicit Raw Open Graph Document Information or else its scraper takes real bad quality text and images off the page for visitors to share.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Chris.

Michael Cremean

September 19, 2012 at 6:57 am

I was having problems installing the new alpha release: a warning message kept popping up, even of a fresh WordPress install. You may want to update the following line of code

$SQL = ‘SELECT * FROM ‘. $wpdb->prefix .”options WHERE option_value LIKE ‘%event_espresso%'”;

My test blog on localhost is called ‘Event Espresso’, and that appears to be among the results of your select:

2 blogname Event Espresso
44 recently_edited a:2:{i:0;s:71:”C:\wamp\www\ee/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso.3.2.A.1.1/espresso.php”;i:1;s:0:””;}
107 _site_transient_update_plugins O:8:”stdClass”:3:{s:12:”last_checked”;i:1348058874;s:7:”checked”;a:3:{s:19:”akismet/akismet.php”;s:5:”2.5.6″;s:37:”event-espresso.3.2.A.1.1/espresso.php”;s:9:”3.2.A.1.1″;s:9:”hello.php”;s:3:”1.6″;}s:8:”response”;a:0:{}}
142 _transient_plugin_slugs a:3:{i:0;s:19:”akismet/akismet.php”;i:1;s:37:”event-espresso.3.2.A.1.1/espresso.php”;i:2;s:9:”hello.php”;}

Thank you


October 29, 2012 at 3:45 pm

Hi All.

First I wanted to thank you so very much for sharing this Alpha version with us so that we could code against it.
I was just wondering if you had a general estimate of when Alpha2 or Beta1 would come out.

Thanks again!


October 29, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Oups, my bad double post.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by sboisvert.


  • Support Staff

November 6, 2012 at 9:09 am

Hi there,

We don’t have a date estimate at this time. I can tell you that at this moment, we have 18 open tickets that we are working through for 3.2 alpha 2.


  • Support Staff

February 10, 2014 at 12:34 pm


Event Espresso 4.1 beta (which supersedes 3.2) is officially released. Please see our announcement for more information:

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