
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso – 3.1.15.P Paypal and multiple transactions – incorrect charges

Event Espresso – 3.1.15.P Paypal and multiple transactions – incorrect charges

Posted: October 9, 2012 at 3:24 pm

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October 9, 2012 at 3:24 pm

I have a problem with payment processing using Paypal. Sometimes an amount relating to a different event booking to the one chosen may be added to the total due. This occurs when a user has previously been through a (possibly aborted) booking on another event.

Paying for an event in Paypal works OK

Cancelling a payment in Paypal and trying to pay over again for the same event is OK

Cancelling a payment in Paypal and then attempting to pay for a DIFFERENT event places the amount of the first (cancelled) event as part of a cumulative (incorrect) total.

Changing the status of a transaction which is being incorrectly sent to Paypal to ‘completed’ does not overcome this issue.

Deleting a transaction in Event Espresso OR swapping to another web browser will remove it’s balance from Paypal. This suggests that the way cookies are being set on the client browser is at fault?

‘Invoice’ event transactions (non-Paypal) that have not had the final user stage of ‘click here to complete’ are added to the total sent to Paypal IF a DIFFERENT event is selected to be paid with Paypal.

‘Invoice’ transactions which have had a click on ‘complete’ do NOT have their totals added to any subsequent total sent to Paypal.


October 10, 2012 at 12:47 am

Hi Ian,

Whilst this doesnt answer your questions directly, it should resolve most/all of the issues. Upgrade to the latest version of Event Espresso. You are currently 12 versions behind the latest.

We are constantly looking to improve the pkugin and to remove bugs, fix compatibility issues etc, so having the most up to date plugin is really beneficial.


October 10, 2012 at 3:22 pm

I stupidly did not notice I was so out of date. Trying an upgrade on a staging server which is a bit fiddly (to say the least – looks like the stylesheets have changed a fair bit so my customised layout is broken at the moment). First indications are though that the Paypal problem is sorted with the latest version. Thanks.


October 10, 2012 at 11:37 pm

Hi Ian,

No problem. You will notice now that you will get update notices in the dashboard.

Yes the templates have been changed since that version. They do occasionally get tweaked so make sure you copy them to the uploads/espresso/templates folder so they don’t get immediately over written come updates.

I’ve marked this as resolved.

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