Hi there apears to be an issue with ee on our website. I have had to close all plugins and re activate 1 at a time. The only one that will not activate is EE.
Do you have the WP user integration add-on enabled on the site?
If so we’ve had a couple of reports of users getting a fatal with the latest version of Event Espresso with that add-on. We’ve been investigating this and have pushed a fix for the WP User integration add-on.
You’ll need to update to the latest version of the add-on which you’ll find in your account page.
Download 2.1.3.p of the User Integration add-on and go to Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin.
Select the .zip file you just download and upload, if WordPress tells you there is a version already installed and asks if you want to replace it, do so.
Activating that version of the add-on should prevent the above error.