
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium evaluating EE and have some questions

evaluating EE and have some questions

Posted: April 14, 2016 at 7:10 pm

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April 14, 2016 at 7:10 pm

Hello I am evaluating EE to see if it will work for our on line claases etc

I am using the events table view template which is working fine and is showing table headings of Event Venue and Date – how can I change the name Event to say Class please?

Also how can i create a custom on line registration form where i can add either a dropdown menu for people to select one of three items – or even a radio box to do this please?

Is there any way for on line entries to be emailed to an admin person rather than them having to login to the wordpress web site please?

also i have a test rego in EE registrations – how can i delete this please? I goto trash registrations and i get this error An error has occurred:
The registration for sue town could not be trashed because it has payments attached to the related transaction. If you wish to trash this registration you must first delete the payments on the related transaction.

cant see where to delete payment

thanks for any help



April 14, 2016 at 7:20 pm

once a class is full is there any way to email all the registrations for that class to an admin person either manually or automatically?


April 14, 2016 at 7:22 pm

another question – if i have say 10 classes set up and the rego is closed and i want to use the same 10 classes for in 2 months time – is the best way just to go in and edit the event time in the existing classes?


April 14, 2016 at 7:31 pm

with the custom on line form I want to be able to gather persons name and email etc but i then want them to be able to add a dogs name and select from 1 of 3 classes via a radio button or dropdown – then I want for the same user to be able to add another dog or 2 or 3 etc – is this possible with EE please?


  • Support Staff

April 15, 2016 at 3:25 am

Hi there,

I am using the events table view template which is working fine and is showing table headings of Event Venue and Date – how can I change the name Event to say Class please?

You’ll need to modify the template and load a custom version.

If you go to /wp-content/plugins/eea-events-table-view-template/templates/

Grab a copy of the espresso-events-table-template.template.php file and place it within:


Within that new location open up the file and change line 44:

<th class="th-group"><?php _e('Event','event_espresso'); ?></th>


<th class="th-group"><?php _e('Class','event_espresso'); ?></th>

Also how can i create a custom on line registration form where i can add either a dropdown menu for people to select one of three items – or even a radio box to do this please?

You create question questions within Event Espresso -> Registration Form -> Add New question.

You can create different types of questions there.

Then you either create a new question ‘group’ (same section but within the Question Groups tab) and assign that question to it, or assign the question group to the system group ‘Personal Information’ if you prefer.

Are you wanting ALL registrants to answer this question?

Is there any way for on line entries to be emailed to an admin person rather than them having to login to the wordpress web site please?

You can send the admin email when someone registers onto the event to any email/user you prefer, but I think you mean the registrations list? If so then no its not possible to email the list of registrations.

also i have a test rego in EE registrations – how can i delete this please? I goto trash registrations and i get this error An error has occurred:
The registration for sue town could not be trashed because it has payments attached to the related transaction. If you wish to trash this registration you must first delete the payments on the related transaction.

You need to delete any payments assigned to the transactions for that registration.

Edit the registration and click the ‘View Transaction’ button.

Do you see a payment within the transaction, like this –

If so click the trash icon for that payment.

When all payments have been remove you can trash the registration.

once a class is full is there any way to email all the registrations for that class to an admin person either manually or automatically?

No that is currently not available.

another question – if i have say 10 classes set up and the rego is closed and i want to use the same 10 classes for in 2 months time – is the best way just to go in and edit the event time in the existing classes?

No the best thing to do there is to duplicate the original events and edit the duplicate.

Once you have registrations on tickets (which apply to datetimes) you can not edit the tickets/datetimes for that event as the registrations have a relationship to those tickets/datetimes.

with the custom on line form I want to be able to gather persons name and email etc but i then want them to be able to add a dogs name and select from 1 of 3 classes via a radio button or dropdown – then I want for the same user to be able to add another dog or 2 or 3 etc – is this possible with EE please?

Would the dropdown would be a selection of classes available within Event Espresso?

If so then that’s not how the registrations work with EE. The user selects an event and selects the tickets they wich to register onto. Then the registration form is shown and details requested. The settings within the specific event you are registering on determine which questions are requested.

Do you have an example of what you are trying to achieve?


April 15, 2016 at 8:55 am

Thanks Tony for your detailed reply – will review it tomorrow.
If I wanted to have on rego form
Dogs name
Then dropdown box to select a class
Then dogs name again (for dog 2)and dropdown box

Then it seems I can’t enter dogs name twice on the same form unless I
Create different questions eg name 1 and name 2?


April 15, 2016 at 11:09 pm

So another issue….i have created an event category with a description and added this to my event – when i view the event i dont see the description

I am using the events table view template – how would i add a more info button and point this to the event category description?


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2016 at 2:52 am

If I wanted to have on rego form
Dogs name
Then dropdown box to select a class
Then dogs name again (for dog 2)and dropdown box
Then it seems I can’t enter dogs name twice on the same form unless I
Create different questions eg name 1 and name 2?

If sounds like your trying to create a registration form that allows the user to select from your available classes within a dropdown, so whichever they select is the event the registration form applies to. If so that won’t work.

You can’t have a dropdown within the registration form that selects a class (the event?)

So it sounds like you want the Primary registrant to provide there information as a the ‘handler’ with a single dog, then each additional ticket would be an additional dog?

Meaning you don’t need additional handler information for each dog, just that does details.

With Event Espresso you select tickets for an specific event (or multiple events depending) so for example if you want dogs attending a training session the user would select 2 tickets.

You can request different information for the ‘Primary Registrant’ which would be the handler information and the dog for that ticket. Then for each additional ticket you can request only details for the dog if you prefer.

If you can link me to an example of what your trying to do, or even just your event page so I can see how you have it setup currently, I can advise how to do it.

I am using the events table view template – how would i add a more info button and point this to the event category description?

The events tables does not currently include and option for the category description so it would need to be added to template, for that you would need the help of a developer.

We have some developers that are familiar with Event Espresso listed here:


April 18, 2016 at 3:45 am

thanks Tony
here is a link to a class
SOmehow Number of dogs to register is not what I should have there….it looks odd

Also on the rego form it looks odd and how can i have just the dogs name and not the questions and answers per below


Registration Code: 55-39-1-adca
Number of Dogs To Register
April 30, 2016 5:30 am – May 5, 2016 7:00 am

Questions & Answers

Question: Dogs Name
Answer: Jinkster

I seem to have loads of questions as I am trying to go live with this tomorrow – I had just emailed these to Lorenzo
with Paypal is there anyway to make this such that the end user pays the Paypal fee please?

With MailChimp – if I have say 3 events and I want seperate Mailchimp listings for each event how do I do this please? right now eveything is going into the 1 list i created for classes

I am having major issues with a person registering using an hotmail or yahoo account and the email is not being sent – also with an event I am the owner and my email – the registrations are not being emailed to me per below – is this a common problem – any ideas how i get round this please?

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons. See

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Return-path: <>
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Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
From: K9 Nose Time <>
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Reply-To: K9 Nose Time <>
Subject: {Spam?} Registration Pending Payment

My last question – if i have 2 tickets for an event and they are sold then it shows as sold out – is there a way for someone to still register interest in this event?


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2016 at 4:43 am

I seem to have loads of questions as I am trying to go live with this tomorrow – I had just emailed these to Lorenzo

You have multiple posts with the same questions which means we would be answering the same question multiple times. Its best to either ask a group of questions in a single thread or split them into individual threads and address each one separately in their own threads. Crossing posts gets really confusing for all involved as you’ll have half an answer in one thread and the remainder within another 🙂

The best place to receive support is on the forum, we (the support team) can all see the forums, we can’t however, all see emails sent directly to individual support team members.

with Paypal is there anyway to make this such that the end user pays the Paypal fee please?

No, PayPal doesn’t allow for this.

With MailChimp – if I have say 3 events and I want seperate Mailchimp listings for each event how do I do this please? right now eveything is going into the 1 list i created for classes

You would need to create 3 separate lists, then within each event select the list for that event.

I am having major issues with a person registering using an hotmail or yahoo account and the email is not being sent – also with an event I am the owner and my email – the registrations are not being emailed to me per below – is this a common problem – any ideas how i get round this please?

The Yahoo issue is due to how Yahoo have setup their mailservers and how your emails are sent from the inmotionhosting domain rather than yours. I would recommend contacting your hosting provider and request they look into this, EE doesn’t send emails itself, it passes them to WordPress, which passes them onto your hosting provider.

You can link them to these articles:!topic/gmail/UY_p_nwvsAk!topic/gmail/i5bT0eqkDUY/discussion

The hotmail issue is likely related to the above, have you check the spam folders on the hotmail account?

In regards to your event:

Before going further, is it the number of dogs you need to limit by or the number of handlers?

As in if the class is for a max of 4, is that 4 handlers with say 2 days each or 4 dogs total?


April 18, 2016 at 4:49 am

Hi Tony
at the below link one user may need to register 2 dogs
all works ok until I come to the order confirmation – this shows

Ticket Description Quantity Price Total
Select Number of Dogs (For ORT 15 May 2016 – NSW)
This ticket can be used once at any of the dates/times below.
2 $30.00 $60.00

May 15, 2016 9:00 am – May 15, 2016 5:00 pm (Australia/Sydney)


Castle Hill Showground NSW – Federation Building
( view )
Registration Details ( edit )
Attendee sue town (
Registration Code: 58-40-1-6aa3 – Pending Payment
Custom Questions and Answers:
I agree to the terms and conditions here Policy Yes
Dog 1 Chance
Odour Clove
Dog 2 Jink

so the issue is it dosenbt show the Odour field again under Dog 2 – how can i fix this please?

right now the event has 3 question groups attached – terms and conditions and then ORT DOG 1 and ORT Dog 2 – the latter 2 groups have Dog 1 and Odour and Dog 2 and Odour – but not sure why the odour is not showing as above in the order confirmation?
thanks for any help…


April 18, 2016 at 4:57 am

is there a workaround for the Paypal fee please? IS there anyway to offer a class with $200 for DD and $ 205 for Paypal to cover the fee? its a real issue as want to use paypal but have the end user pay the fee

re the below question we are limiting the number of dogs only – so 1 handler can have 3 dogs etc

thanks – I just have lots of questions as I am just implementing this….

In regards to your event:
Before going further, is it the number of dogs you need to limit by or the number of handlers?
As in if the class is for a max of 4, is that 4 handlers with say 2 days each or 4 dogs total?


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2016 at 7:18 am

right now the event has 3 question groups attached – terms and conditions and then ORT DOG 1 and ORT Dog 2 – the latter 2 groups have Dog 1 and Odour and Dog 2 and Odour – but not sure why the odour is not showing as above in the order confirmation?

That’s happening because your have exactly the same question within 2 questions requested for the same registrant.

You can either create another set of questions for Dog 2 and place them within their own question group…


You can request only the dog questions for additional registrants.

If you edit the event and select ‘ORT Dog 2’ for ‘Additional Registrant’ then retest a registration, does it then work?


April 19, 2016 at 2:09 am

Hi Tony
so i added ORT Dog 2 to additional registrant and yes it works ok then but at registration its confusing adding dog 2 under additional registrant – unless there is a way to change the wording of additional registrant to Dog 2 or something. failing that I will create another set of questions for Dog 2 but that will mean I cannot use the word odour again and will need to use something else right?

re this event
i want to limit the number of dogs only not handlers



  • Support Staff

April 19, 2016 at 2:46 am

unless there is a way to change the wording of additional registrant to Dog 2 or something

Do you mean where it says ‘Attendee 2’ to ‘Dog 2’?

You can change the ‘Attendee %d’ to say ‘Dog %d’ but that will allow to both, like this –

failing that I will create another set of questions for Dog 2 but that will mean I cannot use the word odour again and will need to use something else right?

Sure you can, that new question will had a new ID number, so you can give it the same name as another if you prefer.


April 19, 2016 at 4:38 am

i created another question called odour but how do I check which odour field is which in the question group….anyway i added odour. and it prints this ok on the order confirmation

if only 1 ticket is ordered how do i get the new page to just show Dog 1 fill in details – and not dog 2 also – which is only needed if someone selects 2 tickets

likewise on the order confirmation how do i just print dog 1 or 2 according to the number of tickets ordered please?


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 19, 2016 at 5:06 am


You see a notice that no information is needed if you are not collecting any questions groups for additional registrants/attendees.

If there are multiple tickets and you are collecting information for additional attendees/registrants, then those will expand to include some question groups.



April 20, 2016 at 6:00 am

thanks Lorenzo

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