I just updated to EE 5.0.34.p but the ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE shortcode on template files does not work anymore. I also have the Event Espresso – Events Table View Template (EE 4.4.9+) plugin.
Sp pages that had category specific listings do not show them anymore.
Just some more context to that, the template file has the code: <?php /* The category slug variable is gotten in the content-single_course.php file */
echo do_shortcode("[ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE table_search=false category_filter=false show_expired=false table_style=metro order_by=start_date sort=DESC table_pages=20 category_slug=' . $mp_categories_slug . ']");
as it is dynamic but the slugs are output correctly, and I have output the slug on the page https://www.positive2workskillnet.ie/course/presentation-skills/, where you can see the slug ‘resilience-and-core-skills’ just below where it says “…our calendar below:”
The template also includes:
// Required when using shortcode in template files.
EE_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE_URL . ‘scripts’ . DS . ‘espresso_events_table_template.js’,
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the reply. I used your shortcode with the category_slug=$mp_categories_slug]") (no single quote) and that works now.
My original shortcode did work for years, just broke with that update to EE. Anyway, never mind that.
Thanks for the help.
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