
Home Forums Pre-Sales Espresso multi-bookings behaving strangely

Espresso multi-bookings behaving strangely

Posted: August 10, 2014 at 2:22 am


August 10, 2014 at 2:22 am

Once again after an update I find various problems. And it is always when it is crucial to us to have bookings working. We are on the latest version. This is what my customers said:

” I tried to use the online booking but it doesn’t work” not very helpful but shows the level of frustration.

“I have tried to book 2 places for the following on Monday 25th August
2 places Milonga Rebotes etc
2 places Spiining Colcados
2 Places Milonga
for Adrian and Christine Newell
but the payment page doesn’t appear”

We attempted to test things, it works fine with a single purchase but seems to do very odd things with multiples. customers get a blank page, they sometimes manage to get a confirmation but nothing is in the back end.

This is crucial as it is an event in two weeks and we are completely stuffed at the moment. Please help

I am nervous to do anything and don’t want to renew support agreement till we know it all works,

Thank you………. liz

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 10, 2014 at 5:01 pm

Hi Liz,

It is possible that the site is running out of memory since it works with single registrations but sometimes fails with multiple registrations.

Try temporarily deactivating any plugins that are not absolutely need for the site to run (e.g social sharing). Then raise the memory available to WordPress through your wp-config.php file:



August 12, 2014 at 2:53 am

Ok that sounds worth trying. Have read the codex but am not sure where I am making this change. can you please give me precise instructions.

Thank you



August 12, 2014 at 3:16 am

Hi Liz,

You will need to use either your hosts cPanel/Plesk or FTP.

If FTP, login and go to the Public HTML section, or wherever the wp-config.php file is. Download it. Then on your computer open the file in a text editor like Notepad (not a word processor!) and add in

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' );

just above where it says

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

so it should look something like this:

Then upload the file back via FTP and it will prompt you to over write it, do so.

That’s it.

Via cPanel/Plesk, you would need to open up the File Manager and find the file and then edit it directly in the browser, remembering to save it.

If possible make sure you keep a backup copy of the original before doing any edits, just in case!


August 12, 2014 at 9:39 am

Hi Dean,

Very helpful thank you. I have actually found that I had to do this previously to do with teh calendar so it was at 64, I have updated to 96… do you think that would do it?

Thank you………………… liz

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 12, 2014 at 11:40 am

Hi, that should help since more memory is made available to PHP. Are the registrations still not working for multiple attendees/registrants?



August 15, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Hi Lorenzo,

Well it;s depressing. In fact my colleague says “espresso depress” it would be funny if it wasn’t so true. She has tested again after I increased to 96M. Results she reported are below. I could increase memory even more but I can’t be the only one experiencing this problem and 96M sound like quite enough. The ecevnt is too close so we have resorted to Eventbrite. Very frustrating, I was an early adopter and have stuck with it think things will improve but it seems updates are as flakey as ever.


Test 1
All events for one person using shopping cart – result: a white page hanging for ages, on the address bar of which I had to hit ‘enter’ again after some time, to get the following message:
“Thank you! Your registration is confirmed for 8 The Tango Club events
A confirmation email has been sent with additional details of your registration.”
NB. I tried this a second time using a real email, but no email arrived from TTC.

Test 2
4 Events for one person using shopping cart – result: as above.

Test 3
3 Events for one person – result: as above.

Test 4
1 Milonga for one person – result: went to paypal payment screen.

Test 5
1 class for one person – result: went to paypal payment screen.

Test 6
1 class for two people – result: went to paypal payment screen.

Test 7
1 milonga for five people – result: went to paypal payment screen.

Test 8 extremely bizarre
2 classes for one person clicking on shopping cart but then entering the person date in the form below rather than going to the shopping cart. Doing the same for the second class manually entering the person date there rather than going to the shopping cart. Then I added one class for 2 people by clicking on shopping cart but still entering the people on the form rather than at the shopping cart.
– result: went to individual paypal payment screens and ignored the fact that I had clicked to add to shopping cart so I got two payments due of £16 at separate paypal screens.
Not seeing the class I booked for two people, nor the shopping cart, I went and booked another class to be able to access the shopping card. I added this to shopping cart. I then clicked ‘view shopping cart’ and found in there the class for two people and the freshly booked class for one. I clicked to pay and the screen hung white. I re-entered the address on the browser address bar and what came up was the paypal screen but showing only the second class for one – no sign of the class for two people I had booked earlier, even though it had been in the basket.

Bizarre? It seems as though:
It will just about do multiple people for one event, but not multiple events, so I am not sure what the point of the shopping cart is.
If given two events, it will leave out the one with two people and let you pay for the one with only one person?!
Note also that I see no real bookings in the back end, which is a seriously bad sign.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 15, 2014 at 1:55 pm

We haven’t had any recent reports like this. Did you also deactivate any non-critical plugins on your site?


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