
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Email our team member when someone registers for an event

Email our team member when someone registers for an event

Posted: March 16, 2023 at 4:24 pm

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March 16, 2023 at 4:24 pm

We need to have someone on our team get an email with the info of a registrant for an event. I could not find instructions for how to set this up. Thank you in advance.


  • Support Staff

March 17, 2023 at 7:59 am

Hi there,

I assume you only want this to send when a registration has been set to ‘Approved’?

If so I would use the ‘Event Admin’ context of the Registration Approved email.

Go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Default Message Templates.

Find the Registration Approved message type and click to edit the Event Admon context.

You can use the CC field there to send a copy to a specific email address, or it can be set up dynamically but where are your the team member emails stored on the site currently?


March 20, 2023 at 8:10 am

OK would this just be for this event? Or would this make them get emails for all events. We have different team members for different events. So we want to send a list to each team member for the event they are in charge of.


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2023 at 8:47 am

OK would this just be for this event? Or would this make them get emails for all events.

If you set it on the Default Message Template that is used for all events by default.

It is possible to set up custom templates and assign them to specific events so emails can go to specific team members set up in specific templates.

So we want to send a list to each team member for the event they are in charge of.

A list?

Your opening thread sounded like basically a copy of the email that goes to the registrant each time someone registers for the event, but the latter sounds like a list of registrants for the event to send in a single email (we don’t have an email for that).

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