
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Email Notifiers

Email Notifiers

Posted: November 12, 2013 at 11:54 am

Pete Stajk

November 12, 2013 at 11:54 am


So I’m trying to resolve the issue of EE auto emails hitting my customers’ email spam filters, and I think the best work around is to not send any auto emails at all and to send my own.

I noticed that when I signed up for my own course at $0.50 or something through Stripe, 3 auto emails hit my spam folder, but there was no email sent to my own personal inbox alerting me that a “new customer” had signed up for my course.

Shouldn’t I receive an email alert that will notify me that a new customer has signed up directly through my web site via Stripe or even through Groupon once that parent or student has filled out my Event Registration Page’s info and questionnaire, etc.?

Thanks again!



  • Support Staff

November 13, 2013 at 2:28 am

Hi Pete,

Yes you should always receive the admin email when a user registers. Rather than stopping all emails from being sent and manually sending them yourself I would use the Postmark/Mandrill plugin:

PostMark & Mandrill Transactional Email Handling v1.2.1

Available through the pre-release channel.

What this does is force all emails sent through WordPress to go through either the Postmark or Mandrill servers. This includes any and all emails, not just the ones from EE but anything that uses the WP_Mail() function.

There are many reasons your emails are going to Spam (blank/suspect subject field, blacklisted smtp etc) companies like Mandrill try to ensure you can at least drop a blacklisted server from troubleshooting as they maintain that.

Also both services are free upto 10/12k emails a month so worth a try if nothing else.

Pete Stajk

November 13, 2013 at 10:51 am

Ok great,

I’m actually at the “EE Email Transactions Plugin” page now.

Which boxes should I check, and should I just fill out my business’ name in the “Sender Name” area.

Also, which email address should I enter in the “Sender Email Address” area, and should I “Create a new server in Postmark”?




  • Support Staff

November 14, 2013 at 5:43 am

Hi Pete,

Have you signed up with Postmark or Mandrill?

You’ll need to create an account with either one of those first.

Pete Stajk

November 14, 2013 at 9:45 am

Ok, so I think I’m on the right track.

I just setup a business email different from my personal email and linked it to my Postmark account, which is also setup.

Now, I’m guessing I have to configure a few things correctly within my Event Registration pages like changing my personal email info to my business email, is that correct?

Ugh, so confused.

Pete Stajk

November 14, 2013 at 9:52 am

I want to try this whole process over again and register for my own course with my personal email and see if my business email receives an email notification that I have a “new customer”.

Is that the best way to test if this whole process works, or do I need to attend to other issues first?

Thanks again for all of your help.


  • Support Staff

November 15, 2013 at 3:46 am

Hi Pete,

So you’ve now setup postmark fully and followed all their instructions?

Open up the EE Email Transactions Plugin page. You’ll see

Tick Send using postmark.
You API Key can be found by going to
Then clicking on ‘Details’ next to your server.
Copy and paste the API key from above into the EE transactions page.
Sender Name can be one of your chosing it is the name that will be displayed on the email as the sender.
Then go to
You’ll see something like
Whichever email you have used there goes into Sender Email Address. (must be a verified account)
The options below those boxes are of your choosing. HTML emails and Postmark + EE footers.

That should then be it.

Hit save and try a registration.

Pete Stajk

November 29, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Hi Tony,

This worked thanks!


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