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Email Confirmations hitting spam folders

Posted: October 5, 2013 at 9:46 am

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Pete Stajk

October 5, 2013 at 9:46 am

After reading through some of the other posts in the support forum, I realize now that the issue of automated emails hitting my customers spam folders might be out of my control – which is unfortunate, but is there any other alternate solutions to resolving this issue?

Also is it possible to change the actual outlook of the emails themselves and make them appear less automated and “friendlier” – in other words, can I change the appearance of the emails – ie font and line spacing?

In my test response email, all of the lines in the message are smooshed together. Any fixes available?



October 7, 2013 at 1:31 am

Hi Pete,

Regarding spam – not much we can do about that our end. Your users will need to whitelist your email address. Using a thirdparty services such as Mandrill *might* help, though I cannot guarantee it (Mandrill has a free option so may be worth testing).

The emails can be edited in various places including the General Settings, Email manager page and the event itself. They can include HTML and CSS to style them.

Please note emails require styling as if you are in the 1990’s so inline styles all the way!

These articles are a little old but they still hold true to the best of my knowledge

Pete Stajk

October 7, 2013 at 8:45 am

What role does MailChimp play in Event Registration if any, how do I utilize it, and what are its main functions?

I’m not sure if I have to install and use MailChimp myself or if it is already activated and used as the return email sender for EE.

When I make a purchase on amazon or other web sites, their confirmation emails go to my actual Inbox rather than my spam folder.

What is the difference between my email registration confirmations and Amazon’s for example? Shouldn’t I be able to accomplish the same goal of sending return “Thank You” or “Registration Confirmed” emails to clients’ Inboxes and not spam folders?


October 7, 2013 at 8:52 am


If you mean the Mailchimp addon, then very little, it will send the users email list to your mailing list at Mailchimp.

If you mean Mandrill, again, very little to do with the registration process, it helps with emails, and in respect to your spam issue, may help provide a trustworthiness to avoid the spam filter. I’m not sure on that it’s only a possible solution that you would need to look into further.

“What is the difference between my email registration confirmations and Amazon’s for example?”

Gmail and other service providers trust Amazon explicitly. Something in your emails/domain/etc must be sparking off the spam filters.

Different hosts, email types, and numerous other factors go into the spam filters, some users are susceptible to it others are not. It is unfortunately outside of our control.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 12, 2015 at 3:52 pm

Hello again Pete, we’ve updated one of our articles that explains how emails are handled by Event Espresso.

It also has information on setting up a transactional email service which can help ensure that emails arrive to the inbox instead of a spam/junk mail folder:


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