

Posted: January 30, 2025 at 8:18 pm

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January 30, 2025 at 8:18 pm

Is it possible to have different emails sent based on the event? I have 3 events and I want 2 events info sent to one person, then 1 event info (admin) sent to another person. I would like to have different receits sent as well. Thank you. Jeff


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2025 at 6:16 am

Hi there,

Yes, it is, you need to use ‘Custom message Templates’:

Within Event Espresso -> Messages you’ll see 2 tabs, one for ‘Default Message Templates’ and another for ‘Custom Message Templates’.

The Default Message Templates are used on all events by default, those should be your ‘generic’ messages with no details to a specific event set so they work for all.

If you need templates used on specific events you create a custom template and assign it to the event (the above doc walks through that).

However, I have a another method for doing this that I prefer over the doc.

Edit to the Event you want a custom template for, find the notifications section.

For the ‘Registration Approved’ message type click ‘Create New Custom’.

EE will show a modal asking for a name and description; make sure you give it a meaningful name so you know what it is for. Click Create Template, EE will create the template and assign it to the event.

Save/Update the event.

Go back to the Notifications section and click the edit button next to your custom template. Now you editing that custom template (be sure you editing the correct ‘context’, see HERE).

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