
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 WP User Integration (2)

EE4 WP User Integration (2)

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm

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Chris Stambaugh

March 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm


I’m looking for some advice.

My EE4 is set up so that a new WP user is created when a user registers for an event.

I’m having issues where users who previously purchased tickets to an event, come back and want to purchase a new ticket for a new event and the system tells them they need to log in first.

This is confusing to them as they’ve never had to do this before. I’d find it far better if they were just allowed to register and then they were created as a user and emailed their password, etc.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


  • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Chris Stambaugh.
  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


March 20, 2015 at 3:13 am

Hi Paul,

Have you set it so that the Event (or all events) requires login to register? If so, disabling that will allow anyone to register without logging in first. You can still have it so that the attendees are created as users.

Maurice Langlais

March 20, 2015 at 5:20 am

This doesn’t work the way you describe. I’m having a similar issue. I have my events set up to not require a login and not create an account yet if someone tries to register as a guest using an email address that exists as a wordpress account they get the error to either login or use a different email.


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2015 at 9:13 am

Hi Maurice,

That’s by design. If you want to allow people to register as a guest using an email address that’s connected to an account on your site, you can deactivate the WP User Integration add-on.

Maurice Langlais

March 20, 2015 at 9:37 am

The site has some members that have accounts. I use the wp user integration for discounts to those members. I appreciate that it’s by design but it still makes no sense to require login when the setting is set to NO and we are not creating new accounts with Event Espresso.

The login button still doesn’t work to login though. I think you referred to a fix in the works for that which I am waiting for. At least they will be able to login if they use the button once it’s fixed. Thanks again for your help with this!

I really like the EE4 though. This login issue and the lack of promo codes are the only things that are annoying the client. I still plan on purchasing a new support license for it.

Is there some way I could get the EE4 Grid view and the EE4 Table view add-ons added to my account to try those?


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2015 at 11:14 am

Hi Maurice,

It’s not actually requiring a log in under those conditions. It’s displaying a log in button **only** to someone who has input an email address that matches an existing user account. If they input a different email address they will not need to log in.

You can try out the EE4 grid and table view templates over on our demo site:

Chris Stambaugh

March 20, 2015 at 5:34 pm


I agree with Maurice. The current beehavior of the wp user integration addon makes no sense for users who have previously done business with us but don’t have a wp account. Right now they are prompted to log in when they are oblivious to why this is required.

Regardless of the client previously purchasing from us, if they don’t have a wp account with us, the system should just create a wp account for them just like what happens for new users. Users should only be asked to log in if they have a wp account with us.

The current workflow just isn’t logical for previous clients with no wp account.

Best regards,



March 23, 2015 at 1:59 am

Hi Paul,

The users are only prompted to log in if the email address entered into the registration form matches a site users email address. If they have never registered with your site, then it will just carry on with the registration process as normal.

Are you using the latest version of EE (4.6.16) and the WP User Integration addon (1.1.1)?

Chris Stambaugh

March 23, 2015 at 11:06 am


Sorry, but that is not what multiple users are reporting and what you’re saying seems contrary to what Josh said further up in the thread.



  • Support Staff

March 23, 2015 at 12:22 pm

Hi Paul,

Are you certain that these folks don’t have an account on your site already? Are you using the current version of the WP User Integration add-on?

The WP User Integration add-on will not require them to log in if they input an email address that’s not attached to an account on your site. Users who have previously done business with you, but don’t have an account on your site will not be prompted to log in. Unless of course if you have set the event to require log in for everyone, then it will require a log in.

If they input an email address that is attached to an account on your site, then it prompts them to log in.

I can advise trying this out on your site by following these steps:
1) You set up an event that does not create a user account automatically (this will allow you to input a contact without creating an account).
2) While logged out of the site, you register for this test event and you input an email address that is not attached to a user account.
3) At this point, you’ll have a contact record but not a user account for this email address.
4) Now you can try to register for any event on the site and check to see if it prompts you to log in or not.

Please note that I ran the above steps while testing and the result was it didn’t ask me to log in. If it asks you to log in when you do step 4, we’ll need to investigate why this is happening on your site, because it shouldn’t be.

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