
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 – Promo Code Input – Nowhere to be found;

EE4 – Promo Code Input – Nowhere to be found;

Posted: July 3, 2017 at 1:24 pm

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July 3, 2017 at 1:24 pm

I have EE 4.9.43 and EE – Promotions 1.0.10.

I’ve created a promotional code:

Name: Test Promo
Code: CLINIC10
Type: Percent Discount
Amount: -10
Scope: Event
Apply to all Scope: Yes
Promo is Exclusive: Yes
Number of uses: (blank)
Valid From: (blank)
Valid To: (blank)

This promo code says it is applied to all events, but there isn’t an input for the promo code on any of the registration pages.

I tried assigning this code specifically to a single event, by turning Apply to ALL scope items to no and selecting an event, and still the promo code input box isn’t anywhere to be found.

I searched the source of the page and can see that the promotion plugin is being included and has promotion validation errors to be referenced, but there is no input for the user to put in the code.

Any suggestions ideas here? Came up empty while searching.


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2017 at 3:12 pm

Hi there,

The promotion code field is shown after the registration details have been entered and the breakdown of cost is shown (Payment options step of the checkout).

Like this –

So if you add your details and proceed to that step do you see the promtion code field there?

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