
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 not showing Paypal Pro as a Payment Option

EE4 not showing Paypal Pro as a Payment Option

Posted: April 8, 2024 at 6:54 am

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April 8, 2024 at 6:54 am

When setting up Payment Methods, I understood that EE4 included paypal pro. But it does not show as an option. I have inserted code into functions.php that forced Paypal Standard, but that does not meet the client’s needs for a huge event.
Is there a way to force EE to use Paypal Pro. This is urgent as the tickets go on sale today.
Your help is very much appreciated,
Wanda G


  • Support Staff

April 8, 2024 at 7:38 am

Hi there,

PayPal Pro has been deprecated in favour of PayPal Commerce.

PayPal deprecated the integration method we use for PayPal Pro so we switched to use their latest integration method with PayPal Commerce, is there something preventing you from using that version?

Side note as many users aren’t aware, PayPal Pro is an ONsite payment method which means your server collects the card details and sends them over to PayPal, which greatly increases your PCI requirements.

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