
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 MailChimp – add multiple contacts based on additional questions

EE4 MailChimp – add multiple contacts based on additional questions

Posted: October 7, 2024 at 5:35 pm

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October 7, 2024 at 5:35 pm

I’m able to add an email to MC based on the primary registrant for an event. I’m also able to add multiple tags to the primary registrant based on

I have multiple question groups (e.g. 2nd attendee, 3rd attendee) from which I would like to grab each contact/email and add them to MC – Is this possible?

best, Walt


  • Support Staff

October 8, 2024 at 4:05 am

I have multiple question groups (e.g. 2nd attendee, 3rd attendee)

So you’re using custom groups/questions for attendees?

If so thats not how EE expects multiple registrants to be set up and will mean a group registration of 4 tickets will show as 4 x the primary regitrant and then the attendee information is saved as custom questions within the registration.

Would you not set up EE to collect the Personal Info group (using at least First Name and Email at a minimum) for each registrant so they are all individual registrants? The Mailchimp add-on will then process each individual registration and add them to the list automatcially.


October 8, 2024 at 10:42 am

Hello Tony,
Thanks for your quick response. e.g. For “exhibitor registrations”, the main registrant is a representative from the company (who most likely will not attend) which we get first, last & email as “registrant”. Then this rep will add via “1st exhibitor” Q group [first, last & email] and possibly a 2nd via “2nd exhibitor” Q group. Yes, I pull all the 1st/2nd name/email etc from the esp_answer table based on the question id’s. The 1st/2nd exhibitors do not participate in the registration process, only the company rep.

That said, are you proposing that I move the first, last & email questions from the other Question groups to the Personal Information group? And then the MC add-on will add them as individual contacts to MC audience?

FYI – I created the 1st/2nd exhibitor groups because they are used for “exhibitor” registrations only which are separate from other individual conference attendee registrations (not company/sponsors, just regular attendees) and for these I did not want to display “exhibitor” details.

If I implement what you propose (combine everything in Person Info group), I can always hide the Exhibitor details via inline jquery during regular non exhibitor registrations.



  • Support Staff

October 8, 2024 at 1:05 pm

That said, are you proposing that I move the first, last & email questions from the other Question groups to the Personal Information group? And then the MC add-on will add them as individual contacts to MC audience?

No, EE won’t process custom questions as if they are EE_Contact info.

Custom questions can literally be anything so EE will only ever rely on the 3 system questions to create an EE_Contact and link that to a registration, they are the core 3 questions in which all registrations rely on so can’t be substituted.

So these 3 system questions are the only questions that can be used for EE to process the details as an ‘attendee’:

Those sit in the Personal Information question group and can not be placed in another group (but you can rename the group to something else):

If I implement what you propose (combine everything in Person Info group), I can always hide the Exhibitor details via inline jquery during regular non exhibitor registrations.

That’s not what I’m suggesting, in fact, I’ll say DO NOT combine everything into the Personal Info group. That group should be specifically related to the registrant attended info… the data you require specifically for the person you want to be the registrant.

Use the Personal Info group to collect the Attendee/Registrant info so that EE can generate the correct EE_Contacts for the registrations. So at a minimum you would need that group to have First Name & Email (Last name isn’t technically required as some cultures don’t use them, most do) and you collect that group for EACH registrant.

Then have another group specifically for collecting the Company Representative details (the one that isn’t an attendee if I understand your set up correctly), so your effectively flipping your logic around. Collect the registrant data using the System question specifically designed for those details and then collect the Company Representative info with custom questions within their own group (Lets call that group Company Info) which you then only request on the Primary Registrant.


What you are basically doing here is splitting off the ‘Purchaser’ from the attendees. That’s not an official feature we have but its possible to do using custom questions and modifying the message template to then use the values from the custom questions to send payment-related emails to (which I assume is the next step as it usually is with these setups… correct?)

By doing what you are currently doing and using custom questions to collect attended info you are losing out on pretty much all of the attendee functionality from within EE where you woud have separate registrations. I’ve seen many people try to set it up this way and then realise it just ripples through, like what your seeing with the Mailchimp functionality… separate registration being added to the MailChimp Audience is already a core function but with your setup your preventing that from happening.

Can you link me to your event so I can view the current setup?


October 8, 2024 at 1:34 pm

Hello Tony, thanks again for detailed response!

fyi – we limit the number of tickets to 1 because the price is not dependent upon the number of registrants (e.g. exhibitor 1, 2 etc) but only on an entry fee for exhibitor/sponsor, if that makes sense. Yes, the purchaser is in control of getting 1 ticket to the conference and then specifying who is attending (exhibitor 1, 2 etc).

re: Use the Personal Info group to collect the Attendee/Registrant info so that EE can generate the correct EE_Contacts for the registrations
So should I/can I create two or more not necessarily required [first, last, email] sets of questions in the Personal Info group that represent “exhibitor 1, exhibitor 2” – which will create two contacts for MailChimp (including tags). Then create a separate Question group for the “Purchaser”?

I’m still reviewing your response, lmk if you need further clarifications after review the exhibitor registration link above.



  • Support Staff

October 8, 2024 at 2:14 pm

fyi – we limit the number of tickets to 1 because the price is not dependent upon the number of registrants (e.g. exhibitor 1, 2 etc) but only on an entry fee for exhibitor/sponsor, if that makes sense. Yes, the purchaser is in control of getting 1 ticket to the conference and then specifying who is attending (exhibitor 1, 2 etc).

Ok, so this changes how you need to set this up some but it’s still doable.

Usually, what I what would say here is set up a required ticket for the entry fee and then an exhibitor ticket with a price of 0.00.

That means the user MUST select the registration/entry fee ticket and then any number of additional exhibitor tickets (however many you allow).

But… you have multiple types of ‘fee’ tickets so you can have a required ticket type.

So should I/can I create two or more not necessarily required [first, last, email] sets of questions in the Personal Info group that represent “exhibitor 1, exhibitor 2” – which will create two contacts for MailChimp (including tags). Then create a separate Question group for the “Purchaser”?

No, you do not want additional questions for exhibitors, you need to use the 3 system questions for those and have them selected for both the Primary AND Additional registrants.

The Personal Info group is just a group, its a collection of questions. We use the 3 system question in that group and its those 3 questions that are important, not the actual group itself… the group just ‘holds’ the questions. We need to know where the 3 system questions that all of or core functionality works from, so the system questions for First Name, Last Name and Email address are always in the Personal Info group, those are known constants for which everything else works with… custom questions cannot be introduce into that core logic, regardless of where you place them.

Take custom questions out of the equation for a little, we can circle back to them once this is set up to collect the data in which it needs to. Thinking about them now is complicating the matter, setting this up isn’t as straight forward as normal registrations but it still doesn’t need to be complicated.

Infact, I’ll set up a demo event for this and link you to the event so you can see how I would set this up.


  • Support Staff

October 8, 2024 at 2:22 pm

Go here:

Select 1 ticket for ‘Exhibitors from CTS 2024 Annual Meeting’ and proceed through to registration.

See how it collects ‘Company Rep info’ (that’s a custom question group with 3 custom questions) and then ‘Exhibitor Information’ (that’s the 3 system questions required for registrations). Complete the registration if you wish and I’ll show you how those look in the admin.

In that example that’s just a registration with no additional exhibitors, now for additional exhibitors.

Now go here:

That clears your session to start fresh.

Now go back to the event:

Select 1 Exhibitors from CTS 2024 Annual Meeting ticket and 2 Additional Exhibitors tickets, like so:

Proceed through the registration and it will request the same as before only now it will also request ‘Exhibitor Information’ for the additional attendees. Again Proceed through (DO NOT use the same attendee names for all registrants) and select Invoice to finalize.

That set up separates the registrants into individual registrants and also collects the company rep info (which you can use in the messaging system), the registrations are individual and as such are processed separately with things like the MailChimp add-on.

Does that work for you?


October 8, 2024 at 3:59 pm

Hello Tony,
I’ll review… I’m in meetings all afternoon but wanted to again thank you for quick detailed response.


October 10, 2024 at 2:11 pm

Hello Tony,

Based on your suggestions I’ve started over and created the 2nd “additional exhibitor” free ticket (along w the 3 fee exhibitor options) and made a separate question group representing the Company Account mngr which is the best solution. √ The Personal Information system 3 is where the first/last/email is collected and propagated to MC add-on.

I’ve tested a few combinations and the registrations are looking good; however, the Message Activity (i.e. notifications going out) don’t reflect the registrants entered.

e.g. I’ve selected 1 Exhibitor and 1 Second Exhibitor but I only see 1 “Registration Pending Payment” with only action\option available is “Generate the message now” – how can I troubleshoot this?

I will continue to test other combos to see if I can see a pattern…



  • Support Staff

October 10, 2024 at 3:48 pm

e.g. I’ve selected 1 Exhibitor and 1 Second Exhibitor but I only see 1 “Registration Pending Payment” with only action\option available is “Generate the message now” – how can I troubleshoot this?

That doesn’t indicated any issues so far.

What are you expecting to happen at this point?

The reason I ask is if the registration is pending payment, EE doesn’t trigger a notification to everyone … it would only trigger a notification to the primary registrant and that would be the Pending Payment notification to show the group transaction needs to be paid.

Once the transaction is paid the registrations would switch to Reg Approved and notification for that trigger for all registrants.

So right now, based on what you’ve said the above is th expected behaviour. EE considers the Primary Registrant to be the ‘payee’ so it is informing that person they need to pay before the registrations are ‘confirmed’ (aka Approved).

It sitting in the message queue waiting to generate is normal, it should work through the queue if the site is visited every 5 minutes for the 2 steps.

How long has it been sitting on Generation?


October 10, 2024 at 4:32 pm

Hello Tony,
Many thanks for that explanation, I’ve manually approved the registration and now see the notifications sent!! All looks good.

I now have another minor Q but I’ll start another thread.



  • Support Staff

October 11, 2024 at 4:38 am

Great, I’m glad its working 🙂

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