
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 and registering children for summer camps

EE4 and registering children for summer camps

Posted: March 4, 2014 at 6:50 am

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March 4, 2014 at 6:50 am

We currently have EE4 – how do we accomplish the following?

A parent should be able to register their children for events (summer camps). A parent may register multiple children for one event, or multiple children for multiple events. The parent is never the attendee. These camps are for children only.

The parent should fill in the child’s name, birthdate, tshirt, etc for each registration.

The children’s names should appear in the roster for taking attendance.

Parents, when logging back in to WP, should be able to see which camps each child is registered for.

Can you give me some specific help how to accomplish this in EE4?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

March 4, 2014 at 11:05 am

Hi TH,

If you want the child to be the attendee, you will want to create custom questions for the parents information. You can also create custom questions to include on the attendee information that will help you get things like a t-shirt size.

Here is a link to another forum post that may be of help to you:

Unfortunately our Multiple Event Registration add-on is a feature in Event Espresso 3. EE4 does have the Multiple Ticket and Pricing options feature that may work for you.


March 4, 2014 at 1:11 pm

Hi Nikki! Can those custom questions for the Parent information be used as fields when the parent is filling out the billing information?

Can those custom question fields be used to generate a parent profile where they can log in to WP and view the tickets they have purchased?

Are the parent accounts associated in any way with the attendee accounts? Because we need to link Parents to Children in some way, so that we can look up parent contact information for each child.

I have looked at that post for name-field-for-atttendee-or-payor and they do have exactly the same situation that we do. However, no good solution was proposed on that post. As far as I can tell, they never got it to work. We also need the children to be Primary Attendees so that they can be tracked for attendance etc. Has anyone been able to implement a solution?

Yes, the Multiple Ticket and Pricing options feature is what I am trying to use. But it is not particularly relevant to our issue, as far as I can tell. We don’t want parent tickets and child tickets. Parents NEVER attend the camps. All tickets are for the children.

Thank you for your help getting this working!


  • Support Staff

March 4, 2014 at 2:43 pm

Hi T H,

Unfortunately EE4 and EE3 for that matter are not designed to handle this type of scenario. It is something that we have had a lot of requests for. I will submit a feature request to our developers to see about making it an add-on feature.

I have replied to your questions below:

1. Can those custom questions for the Parent information be used as fields when the parent is filling out the billing information?

The custom questions for the parents will appear within the attendee registration page. The billing information will link to the attendee information, which in your case would be the child’s info.

2. Can those custom question fields be used to generate a parent profile where they can log in to WP and view the tickets they have purchased?

Currently this isn’t a feature we have in EE4.

3. Has anyone been able to implement a solution?

It is possible that a user has paid for custom development to create a solution but I am not aware of specifics. Most of those who have asked about the same issue have used the suggestions given to you to find a solution.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Nikki.
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Nikki.


March 6, 2014 at 10:45 pm

Nikki, I thank you for your help on this. It is vital for us to handle child information appropriately.

I asked: Can those custom questions for the Parent information be used as fields when the parent is filling out the billing information?

Your answered: The custom questions for the parents will appear within the attendee registration page. The billing information will link to the attendee information, which in your case would be the child’s info.

My new questions below:

If we do set up the Child to be the primary attendee (and any siblings to be additional attendees), then how is the matter of email addresses handled? Children do not have their own email addresses. Can the parent’s email address be added as the email address for all of their children? Are duplicate email addresses allowed?

How are additional attendees handled in Contact Manager and Attendee Profiles? Are these kept by person-who-pays, or for each attendee separately?

Both parents and children need have logins on the wordpress system (for access to lessons and grade reports) but it is not clear how to capture both the Parent’s and each child’s information during registration in order to automatically create the wordpress accounts. It is usually straightforward for a single adult signing themself up for an event to be required to create an account if they dont already have one. How could we use Event Espresso to do this for both parents and children?

Thank you!


March 10, 2014 at 3:59 am


Children do not have their own email addresses. Can the parent’s email address be added as the email address for all of their children? Are duplicate email addresses allowed?

Yes, the parent should use their email for all of them, duplicate emails are allowed.

How are additional attendees handled in Contact Manager and Attendee Profiles? Are these kept by person-who-pays, or for each attendee separately?

Each registrant is created separately, but they are also linked by transaction.

Both parents and children need have logins on the wordpress system

EE4 doesn’t have any built in ways to register users for the site. It could be custom coded though, as we have plenty of hooks and filters where that information can be obtained.

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