
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 Activated removes my wp themes seperators/css?

EE4 Activated removes my wp themes seperators/css?

Posted: June 20, 2015 at 10:34 am

Jason Jefferies

June 20, 2015 at 10:34 am


When i activate EE4 all the spacing in my website disappears. The text and separators all butt together. Once i deactivate EE4 then it goes back to normal.

The theme im using uses separators in between elements. So far it only seems to be affecting these.

Here’s an image to see what im talking about:

Im wondering if ee4 uses some similar id tag for its fields.. the elements im having issues with are given a class of “separator”

The site is finished and was a lot of hard work, and we absolutely MUST use EE4.. I’d really appreciate any help or advice.

Jason Jefferies

June 20, 2015 at 10:47 am

Ive just found the culpret but now wonder how to solve it 🙂

teh problem is that EE4 is using the css

.left, .float-left { float:left;}

And my theme is using the same class but must be doing something different.

Ive used

.left, .float-left { float: none;}

to rectify it, but now worry that it will mess up the styling of my events etc once i start adding them.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle this issue im all ears.



June 22, 2015 at 1:55 am


I would simply do what you have done and then test an event out.

If it looks all wonky, you could try being more specific with the CSS, for example (this is untested but it *should* work):

.page .left, .page .float-left,
.single-post .left, .single-post .float-left {
  float: none;

.espresso_events .left, .float-left {
  float: left;

What that aims to do is target posts and pages and set the float to none, but on event posts, set it to left.

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