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Ee3 or ee4

Posted: April 8, 2014 at 8:38 pm

dafydd evans

April 8, 2014 at 8:38 pm

Starting company in Asia doing lots of small coffee shop type events , should we buy ee3 or ee4 ?

Can you ‘upgrade’ ee3 to 4 later ?

What’s the downside to buying ee3 ?

Downside to buying ee4 ?


April 9, 2014 at 1:17 am


This article is a good grounding on the differences between the two –

In short, right now if you need addons such as Multiple Event Registration, Ticketing etc, you should stick with EE3.

If your needs are simpler, EE4 would be the way to go.

We have an EE4 demo site available – – which is free to sign up to.

Can you ‘upgrade’ ee3 to 4 later ?

Yes, there is a migration system in place. So long as you don’t modify the database structure in EE3 it can be migrated over.

What’s the downside to buying ee3 ?

None really, EE3 is fully functional. However, over time EE4 will replace EE3.

Downside to buying ee4 ?

Currently there are no addons and some features missing. We are constantly adding more as time goes on.

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