
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE3 events now showing as inactive in EE4

EE3 events now showing as inactive in EE4

Posted: June 19, 2016 at 6:34 am

Dugald Peters

June 19, 2016 at 6:34 am


I have just migrated across to EE4 from EE3 and the events I had set up and on sale are now showing as ‘inactive’ in the back end and ‘no longer on sale’ on the front end.

I have double checked dates and published/draft status etc and all looks good?

Please advise – is this a known issue? Is there any way to manually set an event as active?

Many thanks in advance.

Dugald Peters

June 19, 2016 at 6:48 am

Little more info for you:

– in events list the events are showing “No Tickets have been setup for this Event” but tickets have been set up for event and at time of writing we are within the date limits for availability of tickets?
– if I set up a new event with same info it is labelled as “upcoming” and seems to work fine?

Dugald Peters

June 19, 2016 at 7:15 am

Further update:

– all events migrated across have the event date reset to day of import (19th June 2016) so looks like a migration glitch
– I have res-entered all relevant dates etc for upcoming events and still showing as ‘inactive’

No solution yet I’m afraid… standing by…

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 20, 2016 at 4:20 am

Hi Angus,

Could you restore the site from a backup to Event Espresso 3?

Next, what version of Event Espresso 3 are you migrating from (the version number in the WP plugins screen) and during the migration process as it moved through the different steps, were there any errors?


Dugald Peters

June 21, 2016 at 2:47 am

Hi Lorenzo,

I was using so I followed the instructions on your site re. importing the latest plugin of EE3 lite and then deleting etc.

Here is the log info from after I had finished migration:

Warnings occurred during your last migration (Core Data Migration to version 4.1.0):
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 232 for new event 2787, so created a new ticket with id 20
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 235 for new event 2785, so created a new ticket with id 21
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 239 for new event 2790, so created a new ticket with id 22
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 243 for new event 2788, so created a new ticket with id 23
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 247 for new event 2786, so created a new ticket with id 24
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 261 for new event 2789, so created a new ticket with id 25
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 413 for new event 2800, so created a new ticket with id 26
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 414 for new event 2799, so created a new ticket with id 27
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 429 for new event 2794, so created a new ticket with id 28
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 447 for new event 2793, so created a new ticket with id 29
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 494 for new event 2796, so created a new ticket with id 30
Received error “” inserting row 
ATT_ID => 3198 (%d), ATT_fname => Shane (%s), ATT_lname => Leaming (%s), ATT_address => AC S.R. Leaming X1036953 (%s), ATT_address2 => (%s), ATT_city => Force Protection, Takitimu street (%s), STA_ID => 143 (%d), CNT_ISO => NZ (%s), ATT_zip => Whenuapai 0618 (%s), ATT_email => (%s), ATT_phone => (%s) 
into table wp_esp_attendee_meta.
Data used was 
id => 522, registration_id => 33-55d597119d4f0, is_primary => 1, lname => Leaming, fname => Shane, address => AC S.R. Leaming X1036953, address2 => , city => Force Protection, Takitimu street, state => RNZAF Base Auckland, zip => Whenuapai 0618, country_id => , organization_name => , vat_number => , email =>, phone => , date => 2015-08-20 22:02:53, price_option => Madness (4 person), orig_price => 556.00, final_price => 556.00, quantity => 1, total_cost => 556.00, amount_pd => 556.00, coupon_code => , payment => , payment_status => Completed, txn_type => PayPal, txn_id => 0L025204YE5762225, payment_date => August 20, 2015, event_id => 33, event_time => , end_time => , start_date => , end_date => , attendee_session => 03acf223392815876eaa6c0fd2cecc69-55d594862508c2.83825929, transaction_details => a:37:{s:8:”mc_gross”;s:6:”556.00″;s:22:”protection_eligibility”;s:10:”Ineligible”;s:12:”item_number1″;s:0:””;s:8:”payer_id”;s:13:”2CWXF27MGDXGN”;s:3:”tax”;s:4:”0.00″;s:12:”payment_date”;s:25:”02:02:33 Aug 20, 2015 PDT”;s:14:”payment_status”;s:9:”Completed”;s:7:”charset”;s:12:”windows-1252″;s:11:”mc_shipping”;s:4:”0.00″;s:11:”mc_handling”;s:4:”0.00″;s:10:”first_name”;s:5:”Shane”;s:6:”mc_fee”;s:5:”19.35″;s:14:”notify_version”;s:3:”3.8″;s:6:”custom”;s:0:””;s:12:”payer_status”;s:10:”unverified”;s:8:”business”;s:19:””;s:14:”num_cart_items”;s:1:”1″;s:12:”mc_handling1″;s:4:”0.00″;s:11:”verify_sign”;s:56:”AYm-UvofG9njKKDeEI8KzfvIh05IAGjxIh9iM.125Vb-gs6saMph2b4r”;s:11:”payer_email”;s:23:””;s:12:”mc_shipping1″;s:4:”0.00″;s:6:”txn_id”;s:17:”0L025204YE5762225″;s:12:”payment_type”;s:7:”instant”;s:9:”last_name”;s:7:”Leaming”;s:10:”item_name1″;s:102:”Madness (4 person) for The Madness, Auckland – 4 person – 19th September 2015. Attendee: Shane Leaming”;s:14:”receiver_email”;s:19:””;s:11:”payment_fee”;s:0:””;s:9:”quantity1″;s:1:”1″;s:11:”receiver_id”;s:13:”7KPVLLEKJ2T7Q”;s:8:”txn_type”;s:4:”cart”;s:10:”mc_gross_1″;s:6:”556.00″;s:11:”mc_currency”;s:3:”NZD”;s:17:”residence_country”;s:2:”NZ”;s:10:”receipt_id”;s:19:”5012-2589-7531-8808″;s:19:”transaction_subject”;s:115:”Shopping CartMadness (4 person) for The Madness, Auckland – 4 person – 19th September 2015. Attendee: Shane Leaming”;s:13:”payment_gross”;s:0:””;s:12:”ipn_track_id”;s:13:”de3e8b39ca802″;}, pre_approve => 1, checked_in => 0, checked_in_quantity => 0, hashSalt => 
from table %s.
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 550 for new event 2797, so created a new ticket with id 31
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 594 for new event 2798, so created a new ticket with id 32
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 597 for new event 2795, so created a new ticket with id 33
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 661 for new event 2801, so created a new ticket with id 34
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 662 for new event 2803, so created a new ticket with id 35
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 665 for new event 2804, so created a new ticket with id 36
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 666 for new event 2807, so created a new ticket with id 37
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 670 for new event 2805, so created a new ticket with id 38
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 675 for new event 2806, so created a new ticket with id 39
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 676 for new event 2808, so created a new ticket with id 40
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 690 for new event 2809, so created a new ticket with id 41
Could not find a ticket for old attendee with id 776 for new event 2810, so created a new ticket with id 42
Could not get-or-create state because no state name was provided for venue {“id”:”1″,”name”:”The Wool Shed”,”identifier”:”1-52bc4c374a463″,”address”:”Moke Lake Road”,”address2″:””,”city”:”Queenstown”,”state”:””,”zip”:”9348″,”country”:”New Zealand”,”wp_user”:”1″}
Could not get-or-create state because no state name was provided for venue {“id”:”3″,”name”:”TECT All Terrain Park”,”identifier”:”1-57039fafde56b”,”address”:”Whataroa Road”,”address2″:””,”city”:”Bay of Plenty”,”state”:””,”zip”:”3188″,”country”:”New Zealand”,”wp_user”:”1″}
Could not get-or-create state because no state name was provided for venue {“id”:”4″,”name”:”Queenstown”,”identifier”:”1-570f84fb1fd9f”,”address”:””,”address2″:””,”city”:”Queenstown”,”state”:””,”zip”:””,”country”:”New Zealand”,”wp_user”:”1″}


  • Support Staff

June 21, 2016 at 3:37 am

Those warnings should not cause the problem with the events.

Within your EE3 events do you have the event start and end times set or are they blank?

Dugald Peters

June 21, 2016 at 4:15 am

Hi Tony,

Yup, event times set up – as well as ticket sale times etc. Shall I set you up with a log in so you can have a look?


  • Support Staff

June 21, 2016 at 4:58 am

Yup, event times set up – as well as ticket sale times etc.

Are you looking within EE3 or EE4? EE3 does not have ticket sale times so just confirming.

If your events did not have event times setup within EE3, they will not migrate over to EE4 correctly. So the EE3 dates and times must be set before the migration takes place.

Shall I set you up with a log in so you can have a look?

Sure, you can send them using this form:

Dugald Peters

June 21, 2016 at 5:16 am

Have now migrated to EE4 so looking to make sure is correct in there.

Yup – had set up event times etc in EE3.

The events that are not working are the following numbers: 2810, 2803 and 2801

(I’ve sent over login details via link you gave)

Many thanks.


  • Support Staff

June 21, 2016 at 7:57 am

Hmm ok, can you install Adminer so I can take a look at the database?

Also can you switch back to EE3 so I can view these events?

(We do not installed or change any plugins without FTP access)

Dugald Peters

June 21, 2016 at 10:32 am

Have installed Adminer on the site for you.

In order to go back to EE3 I will need to re-install an old backup – will that work for you?


  • Support Staff

June 21, 2016 at 10:39 am

You don’t need to revert to a backup.

Is this a live or development site? If live, do you have a development site?

Dugald Peters

June 21, 2016 at 10:40 am

Live site – no development site


  • Support Staff

June 21, 2016 at 10:53 am

Looking through your database it looks like the events did not have start/end times set in EE3 before the migration.

To switch to EE3 you can de-activate EE4 and then re-activate EE3 (registrations won’t work with EE3 but the admin will work fine)

Can you either do that, or re-send login details including FTP access using:

So I can switch and confirm please.

Dugald Peters

June 22, 2016 at 8:22 am

I de-activated EE4 and activated EE3 and checked dates – event date is set but not times. Is that causing problem?


  • Support Staff

June 22, 2016 at 9:52 am

Yes that’s causing the problem. You can fix the problem by adding times to those events while EE3 is activated. Then when you activate EE4, you go to the Maintenance page and on the reset/delete tab there’s a button that when you click it, it will delete all of the migrated EE4 data. After you delete the EE4 data, you reactivate EE4 and run the migration again.

Dugald Peters

June 22, 2016 at 10:06 am

Great – I’ll give it a try tomorrow and let you know.

Many thanks.

Dugald Peters

June 23, 2016 at 4:25 am

Hi Josh,

I have entered all times etc for events – de-activated EE3 and activated EE4.

On the Maintenance page I have selected the “Reset/Delete Data” tab and have 3 options:

– Reset Event Espresso Capabilities
– Reset Event Espresso Tables
– Permanently Delete All Event Espresso Data

Could you confirm which option to select. Many thanks.


  • Support Staff

June 23, 2016 at 4:33 am

You need:

Permanently Delete All Event Espresso Data

To be clear, that function will completely remove all EE4 information (not EE3) from your database so that your can re-run the migration from EE3 to EE4. Any updates made to EE4 since your initial migration will be lost.

If you don’t already have a working backup I would recommend creating a backup of the database before going forward. You should not have any issues but it is best practice to backup before removing data from the DB.

Dugald Peters

June 23, 2016 at 7:09 am

Thanks Tony – had an issue showing pages not found during process?

So – I restored a backup from before I started migration, set event times and re-started migration process.

A lot of messages as a result:

Database table wp_esp_answer exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_answer. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_answer manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_attendee_meta exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_attendee_meta. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_attendee_meta manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_country exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_country. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_country manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_datetime exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_datetime. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_datetime manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_event_meta exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_event_meta. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_event_meta manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_event_question_group exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_event_question_group. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_event_question_group manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_event_venue exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_event_venue. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_event_venue manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_extra_meta exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_extra_meta. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_extra_meta manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_line_item exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_line_item. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_line_item manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_message_template exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_message_template. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_message_template manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_message_template_group exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_message_template_group. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_message_template_group manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_payment exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_payment. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_payment manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_ticket exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_ticket. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_ticket manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_ticket_price exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_ticket_price. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_ticket_price manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_datetime_ticket exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_datetime_ticket. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_datetime_ticket manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_price exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_price. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_price manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_price_type exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_price_type. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_price_type manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_question exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_question. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_question manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_question_group exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_question_group. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_question_group manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_question_group_question exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_question_group_question. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_question_group_question manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_question_option exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_question_option. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_question_option manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_registration exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_registration. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_registration manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_state exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_state. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_state manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_status exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_status. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_status manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_transaction exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_transaction. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_transaction manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_venue_meta exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_venue_meta. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_venue_meta manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_currency exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_currency. Afterwards you should undo that change from yourwp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_currency manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_currency_payment_method exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_currency_payment_method. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_currency_payment_method manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_payment_method exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_payment_method. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_payment_method manually then restore to the backup again.


Database table wp_esp_registration_payment exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_registration_payment. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_registration_payment manually then restore to the backup again.


  • Support Staff

June 23, 2016 at 9:15 am

had an issue showing pages not found during process?

During the reset? We would need the full error message know be able to narrow down the cause.

I restored a backup from before I started migration, set event times and re-started migration process.

How did you restore the backup?

Did you completely replace all tables within the database to user the data available from the backup? (Meaning before the migration you would have had 0 {prefix}_esp_ tables)

Those notices are normally thrown when EE tables have been left within the database and others restored. So then EE is activated and checks the database, the wp_options table says no version of EE4 has been installed (because the backup has been restored) but there are EE4 tables in the database.

Its also possible that ‘something’ broke the check that EE4 does on the database and those are false positives, so it all depends on how you reverted back to the back.

Is all of your data available within EE4 currently?

Dugald Peters

June 24, 2016 at 6:01 am

Hi Tony,

I restored a full backup from Vaultpress – from the day before I migrated to EE4.

Re. data available in EE4 – it looks like relevant events now showing as upcoming.

Happy to give you log in details to have a look…


  • Support Staff

June 24, 2016 at 10:23 am

Angus, before you run the migration from EE3 to EE4 you will need to go to the Maintenance page and Delete the EE4 data.

Dugald Peters

June 26, 2016 at 12:36 pm

Hi Josh,

Many thanks – looks like I am winning now. As far as I can see now only 2 issues to sort:

– featured image not showing on events
– two database errors (that occurred after activating EE4 Mailchimp add-on) :

Database table wp_esp_event_mailchimp_list_group exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_event_mailchimp_list_group. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_event_mailchimp_list_group manually then restore to the backup again.

Database table wp_esp_event_question_mailchimp_field exists when it shouldn’t, and may contain erroneous data. If you have previously restored your database from a backup that didn’t remove the old tables, then we recommend adding
to your wp-config.php file then restore to that backup again. This will clear out the invalid data from wp_esp_event_question_mailchimp_field. Afterwards you should undo that change from your wp-config.php file.
If you cannot edit wp-config.php, you should remove the data from wp_esp_event_question_mailchimp_field manually then restore to the backup again.

Dugald Peters

June 27, 2016 at 4:06 am

Hi Josh,

Any thoughts on why featured image isn’t showing?

Also – I have set up a new test event and run through registration and payment process… but did not receive any customer confirmation emails?

Have searched forum but cannot find any info on checking email triggers.

Thanks in advance

Dugald Peters

June 27, 2016 at 6:53 am

Since last message I have received payment pending email notification – in spite of the fact that I made payment at time of registration?

Please advise – registration has been down for a week and is seriously affecting business…

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 27, 2016 at 7:21 am


Are you using PayPal for payments for your registrations? If so, could you double-check that the PayPal IPN is enabled?


Dugald Peters

June 27, 2016 at 7:45 am

Thanks Lorenzo – hopefully that was it – I have set it all up and re-run a purchase… just waiting for confirmation & ticket emails now.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 27, 2016 at 7:50 am


Those should arrive within a few minutes as they are queued for generation. You can see them in Event Espresso –> Messages. This page shows the messages queue.

If you find the delay to be too long, then you can set the messages system to generate them right away through Event Espresso –> Messages –> Settings. Be sure to save changes after updating the setting and note that this affects registration messages after the change.

Any existing ones won’t be generated immediately.


Dugald Peters

June 27, 2016 at 10:13 am

Hi again Lorenzo,

I’m still only getting (eventually) pending payment emails despite having paid?

Dugald Peters

June 27, 2016 at 10:19 am

re. above message – I get receipts from paypal but no confirmation email or ticket email.

Happy to give you login details to check I’m not being an idiot and missing something obvious…

Dugald Peters

June 28, 2016 at 2:35 am

I’m an idiot Lorenzo… I made a rookie mistake!

It hit me driving home last night – I still had EE in maintenance mode so I guess paypal couldn’t talk to the site… switched Maintenance mode off and emails came through ok!

Only issue I have now is a styling one as featured image etc is not showing on event purchase page… any thoughts on that very welcome.

Many thanks.


  • Support Staff

June 28, 2016 at 6:28 am

Only issue I have now is a styling one as featured image etc is not showing on event purchase page… any thoughts on that very welcome.

Is the feature image set within event itself?

Is it only migrated events that are not showing the feature image?

Does your theme show feature images for standard single posts?

EE4 uses your sites theme to output the event posts (events are custom post types) so if you theme does not output the feature image for posts (or possible only specifically for posts of a certain post type) they will not show on EE events.

Dugald Peters

June 28, 2016 at 7:42 am

I have overcome it by adding pic to event description… not going to worry about styling etc as shows what I want it to show.

Final issue I have (I hope) is that admin emails are not going to correct address?

– admin emails are coming to me at the address I am registered with EE
– main site email is set to admin address we want
– EE general settings primary contact email set as admin address we want
… but emails still coming to wrong address?

Am I making another rookie mistake?


  • Support Staff

June 28, 2016 at 8:54 am

By default the Emails are sent to the Event Admin (the user account set as the event author, usually the user that created the account) so its not your account but the user account you created on the site.

However you can change all of the emails to use the primary contact email address set within Event Espresso -> General Settngs -> Your Organization.

You’ll need to change the ‘Event Admin’ context for all message templates (by default at least Registration Approved and Registration Pending Payment message templates)

Edit the event admin context and change the ‘TO’ field from [EVENT_AUTHOR_FORMATTED_EMAIL] to [CO_EMAIL]

For example here’s the Reg Approved message –

Changed to send to the Co Email –

The difference with _FORMATTED shortcodes is that the email will show the company name, eg. Mr Example , where as non formatted emails just use the email address.

Dugald Peters

June 28, 2016 at 2:50 pm

Looks like that has done the job!

Many thanks to you and all of the team for your help – one of the reasons I have been an Event Espresso user for several years. Excellent service.

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