
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE3 – Customer told booking unsuccessful after completing booking

EE3 – Customer told booking unsuccessful after completing booking

Posted: September 9, 2014 at 7:15 am

Frank Gribbin

September 9, 2014 at 7:15 am


Event Espresso –
Event Espresso – Custom Template Display Version 1.0
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration Version 1.0.5.p
Event Espresso – Ticketing Version 2.1.p
Event Espresso – API Plugin Version 2.1.1.P
Wordpress 3.9.1
Live Site:

This situation arises when the last few places/tickets are purchased by a customer. We have had 2 situations as follows;

1 – Customer booked last 6 spaces. At end of process after making payment and successfully booking tickets they get a message saying booking could not be completed because there are no tickets left.

2 – Customer booked 4 of the last 5 remaining spaces. Again, at the end of the registration process and making payment and booking the tickets they got a message saying that there booking could not be completed because there was only 1 space left.

In both case the bookings were placed successfully and payment received. However, in each case when the customer got those messages at the end they were obviously concerned and contacted us to check their bookings.

As more of our events near capacity this is likely to happen again and we would like to avoid the client getting those messages.

Can you advise how we can fix that? Is there a workaround? Where can we change the wording to those messages?



Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 9, 2014 at 11:09 am


What payment methods are being used?


Frank Gribbin

September 9, 2014 at 11:20 am

Only PayPal

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 9, 2014 at 11:28 am

Is the IPN for PayPal setup:

Also, security plugins like Bad Behavior can block the IPN. If you have any plugins like this, then try deactivating them for a day or so.


Frank Gribbin

September 9, 2014 at 11:31 am

IPN is set up and working great.

We have had over 1000 registrations without problem. In the two examples I gave both booking were placed successfully and payment processed without problem.

The problem is with the message they received at the end of the registration process. It gave them information that contradicts the fact the booking was placed successfully giving them cause for concern.

The whole registration process itself still working including payment from PayPal and the IPN. It is purely the message both these customers received at the end that is causing the problem.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 9, 2014 at 12:20 pm


If multiple attendees/registrants were booking at the same time, then the tickets may have been claimed by another party.

Say you have 5 tickets and attendee A and attendee B are interested and both start registration.

If attendee B begins registration for 5 tickets ands completes it first, then they will receive the tickets as they were the first to register.

Do your events fill up fairly quickly?


Frank Gribbin

September 10, 2014 at 3:26 am

Registrations are pretty steady but not at the level where we have loads of bookings being placed at the one time.

I understand and appreciate the situation you describe but having checked all out logs that was not the case with the two problem we have had.

The situation is that the customer is not having a problem processing the registration at all. Their booking goes through, their payment is successfully made but instead of getting the confirmation page they get a message saying no tickets let despite having successfully just placed their registration.

It seems that the logic in the system is that when a booking is made and the capacity = 0 it returns a message saying no spaces left even if that person has just purchased the last few remaining spaces.

Or, if they booking more tickets that there are tickets remaining it tells them there are not enough tickets despite them just having successfully completed their registration.

I hope that helps clear up the problem experienced.


  • Support Staff

September 10, 2014 at 11:54 am

Hi Frank,

Thanks, this helps. If you’re not seeing any issues with overbooking, one thing you can do to avoid the sold out message is change the Ticket Reservation Time setting to 0 or 1 minute. You’ll find this setting in Event Espresso > General Settings under Advanced Features.

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