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EE3 Crashed my WordPress

Posted: March 14, 2014 at 7:53 pm


March 14, 2014 at 7:53 pm

WP v 3.8.1, EE v latest error message URL shows
“fatal error “class ‘paymentgateway’ not found in /home4/bsps/public_html/wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/paypal/paypal.php on line 11”

Can’t login to WP, attempt to restore hostgator files crashed too.


March 15, 2014 at 12:11 pm

A little more information: The installation seemed to go ok. The activation step crashed.

The offending line of code appers to be (from paypal.php) the “class PayPal extends line” – this is line 11.

* Paypal Class
* Author Seth Shoultes
* @package Event Espresso PayPal Gateway
* @category Library
$paypal_gateway_version = ‘1.0’;

class Paypal extends PaymentGateway{
* Initialize the Paypal gateway
* @param none
* @return void
public function __construct()


  • Support Staff

March 16, 2014 at 5:51 am

Hi varedecker,

Is this a fresh install or an update?

Reason I ask is the issue here is due to custom code within wp-conent/uploads/espresso/gateways/

Do you have a custom Paypal gateway?

If you rename wp-template/uploads/espresso/gateways/ to something else (just add ‘-temp’ to the end of the folder. Does the site then work correctly?


March 16, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Hi, Tony,

Thanks very much for your comments. I really don’y know whether there is custom code or not. The site was activated a couple of years before I became webmaster. I do know that everything worked before I updated WordPress in the November/December period in response to prompting from WordPress. After that, I updated Event Espresso as well, and ran into relatively minor difficulties resulting in deactivating the EE version and reactivating an older one. We then experienced a problem where single event registrations worked fine, but multiple (2 or more per reservation) worked, but confirming emails didn’t get sent out.

About a week ago, I updated WordPress to v 3.8.1 with no immediately apparent degredation. I then installed the latest EE ( No problems on installation; activation crashed the site with the error message noted.

I will try your suggestion
Vern Redecker


March 16, 2014 at 2:55 pm

I assume that you meant to edit on the host site. I don’t find a wp-template/uploads etc. Did you mean wp-content—-; ‘-temp’ at the end?


  • Support Staff

March 17, 2014 at 3:15 am

Hi Vern,

Apologies for the typo, yes that should be wp-content.

To explain a little, Event Espresso checks wp-content/uploads/espresso/ for various files and if found it will use those in place of the defaults.

So in this case it would seem there is either a custom gateway (if you have any directories/files within wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/ then someone has created/modified a gateway) or a custom template (wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates)

What happens then is if you update Event Espresso (EE) it will not overwrite those customisation’s in the above directories, however depending on the updates we have made the custom versions may need to be updated to match any changes to the defaults. Does that make sense? (We recommend using a program such DiffMerge to identify the differences between the files)

The first thing I would do is a full backup of the site, we have a guide here:

Then I would start by renaming wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/ to gateways-temp to disable any custom gateways. Does the site then load?

If not you could also try renaming wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates to template-temp.

The problem is, why and what are those modifications for?

Is this a live site you are working on? If so can you link us to it so we can see if we can see what is happening please?


March 17, 2014 at 4:13 pm

Renaming the gateways to gateways-temp brought the site back up.

I contacted the original developer; he thinks that the PayPal plugin was possibly from PayPal – didn’t seem sure. The breakdown point appears to be where the registrants are two or more on the same ticket. One works fine. And the main symptom is that confirmation emails are ot issued. The PayPal link works and the
registration data base appears to be maintained.

The site is



  • Support Staff

March 18, 2014 at 8:08 am

Hi Vern,

I’ve ran a test registration and received the Registration email without issue.

Is this issue with a specific event?
Can you explain the steps to reproduce please?


March 18, 2014 at 12:39 pm

Hi Tony,

I also received the results of your test, and it looks ok.

I also ran another test against another event that was originally showing the problem, and it also went through in good shape. Unless you did something else, it looks like disabling the one procedure did the job. I notice that a few things have changed appearance, such as the calendar (new version I expect) and the sidebar entries on my site are no longer underlined, but that is workable.

Now to find the offending code and clear it.

It has been suggested that we used a PayPal plugin, but I haven’t noticed it, yet.
The one included in EE appears to show up fine, but I’ll need to run a PayPal payment to check that out. The invoice for payment looks correct.

I’ll do some more exhaustive testing as soon as I can.

Thank you. Any advice on a permanent solution?



  • Support Staff

March 19, 2014 at 4:12 am

Hi Vern,

My advice would be to remove all the custom coding and re-do the specific modifications needed.

The site seems to use the default registration flow, there may be some template customisation that I can’t see, or a reason the Paypal Gatewat was modified previously, but I cant see any obvious ones.

Here is what I would do:

1. A full site Backup (all files and the database), we have a guide posted to show you how to do this:

2. Create a copy of the site locally, you can use the backup from the previous step but I would likely use the Duplicator plugin, purely because it makes the process quick and easy.

3. Locally rename wp-content/uploads/espresso/ to espresso-temp and run through some registrations noting any differences from the main site.

At this point you will be using Event Espresso default files (templates, gateways, functions) from within the plugin directory itself.

4. If all works well needing only minor cosmetic adjustments then modify the templates myself to fit how they should look. At this point knowing everything was working (and knowing I had a backup) I would remove all custom files from uploads/espresso-temp/gateways/ and uploads/espresso-temp/templates so I had a level playing field to start with and rename espresso-temp back to espresso (still working locally). Then modify any templates I may need.

When modifying templates you copy them from plugins/event-espresso/templates/ to wp-conent/uploads/espresso/templates/ and work from there (leaving the originals as they are)

This is all sounds very simple and easy, but it depends entirely on what the previous developer changed and why they changed it. Doing the above on a live site is NOT something I recommend, especially when new to Event Espresso 🙂

Does that help?

If you have any further questions, or would like me to explain anything further just let me know.

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