
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE3 – Add Attendee defaults to admin user name

EE3 – Add Attendee defaults to admin user name

Posted: January 3, 2016 at 11:25 am

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January 3, 2016 at 11:25 am


When I try to add a new attendee through the back end dashboard in an event. EE3 defaults this to the admin user name on our posted roster of players and not the name I entered. Administrator should be able to override any default settings/code to post what is entered in this section. Website reference Anyway we can fix this with changing a setting or does this require custom coding.



January 3, 2016 at 11:25 am


When I try to add a new attendee through the back end dashboard in an event. EE3 defaults this to the admin user name on our posted roster of players and not the name I entered. Administrator should be able to override any default settings/code to post what is entered in this section. Website reference Anyway we can fix this with changing a setting or does this require custom coding.



  • Support Staff

January 4, 2016 at 9:33 am

Hi Ag,

It turns out what you’ve reported here should not be happening on the back end dashboard. Do you have any browser plugins activated that are set to auto-fill form fields? Can you try a different browser to verify?

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