
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE Links Redirect

EE Links Redirect

Posted: February 5, 2025 at 1:05 am

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February 5, 2025 at 1:05 am

Version 5.0.34.p

When in EE and going to Events > Registrations (for an event) the link reditrects you to the login for the site and in the URL it will show the vanity domain. and take you to the wp login page. Then just loop you back to the login page when you log in.

This also happens when going to settings > Save (or save and close)
There are a few other places as well, but i didnt check every link to see what does and what does not. Seems top level links directory from the wpadmin side menu work, everything inside EE redirects.

this is causing a few issues
1. We cant save the licenses key as the real domain, it only seems to register as the vanity URL
2. Client cant get to the registrations based on event

-I have updated EE
-Disabled and re-enabled EE
-Dumped and deactivated the caching plugin
-Dumped the Chrome cache and the site cache in DEV Tools.
Please let me know what if anything we can do. thanks.


February 5, 2025 at 1:22 am

I fixed this. had to go into PHPmyAdmin to set the SITEURL manually for some reason.

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