January 21, 2021 at 2:37 pm
Bear with me as I add context. With COVID this past year we had several (3) clients using EE who needed timed entry to manage visitation limits. These clients have used EE for years, many years, as a tool to sell event tickets, admission tickets and more. In 2020 we ended up having to use a plugin called SimplySchedule (SS) where the consumer would buy their admission tickets, season passes and more in EE. Then they would have to use SS to book their time slots, to manage capacity limits. The pros of this is they could pick a time and then adjust their time as needed. The cons… too many to list. Long story short, all three want to leave EE behind and I would like to stay. But I need a solution to daily timed entry. There are way to many days in a season to add a daily event, each with a ticket limit set for a timeframe. And then manually manage people who need to change their dates. I will note that in many of my cases we use EE in ways it was not intended, as a limited-timeframe event based ticketing system. But for almost 8 years I have been using it to manage events, daily admissions, seasons passes, GC sales and more because it could. I love EE. Is there anything in the works or do you know a way I can continue using EE where daily timed entry is a thing?
Thank you in advance for your time.