
Home Forums Community Forum EE 4.9.61.p not showing PayPal Commerce as an option

EE 4.9.61.p not showing PayPal Commerce as an option

Posted: December 15, 2024 at 1:26 pm

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December 15, 2024 at 1:26 pm

All I have for payment options is: | AIM | E-Transfer | Check | Invoice | Mijireh | PayPal Express | Paypal Pro.
My license expired a year ago.
And to clarify, will my current paypal express gateway cease to work on Jan 15, 2025?


  • Support Staff

December 16, 2024 at 8:02 am

Hi there,

Event Espresso 4.9.61.p was released April 12, 2018:

PayPal Commerce was introduced into Event Espresso 5.0.0.p, which was released March 6th 2023:

Which explains why you don’t see PayPal Commerce in your list of options.

That version of EE wont be compatible with PHP8, have you not had any pushback from your host towards moving to PHP8 compatibility? There has been a BIG push across most hosting companies as PHP7 (and below) are now end of life (EOL)… even PHP8.0 is now EOL as they continue to push forward.

And to clarify, will my current paypal express gateway cease to work on Jan 15, 2025?

No, although it also depends on what PayPal do on their side moving forward. We are moving forward with their ‘latest’ support integration and they keep changing the wording on the legacy integrations so I don’t know what they will do currently.

We introduced PayPal Commerce to be in line with Paypal’s latest integration at the time, and since then, they have deprecated the integration methods used for ‘Legacy’ integrations. We’ve deprecated our integrations to follow that.

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