
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Editing a name affects multiple registrants.

Editing a name affects multiple registrants.

Posted: January 29, 2025 at 10:05 pm

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January 29, 2025 at 10:05 pm

We ran into an issue with editing the name of a registrant. When doing so, it would also change the name of an additional registrant, sometimes multiple. Don’t quite know why this would be occurring, all she would do is go into the registrants details, click “view/edit contact” then change the name. Once saving, it would then change one or more names. If you go in and try to correct the ones that changed, other names may or may not change as well.This was reported to me as “with that in mind, the attached image shows the company this change was made to. Katie attempted to change the name to Justin Johnson, and additionally, it changed the name of additional registrant. As you can see it didn’t change all registrants, just that one other registrant. This occurs 99% of the time. I don’t believe Katie has made a name change and NOT had this occur.” I put up the screeshot here:

Any ideas why this would be happening? is this a known issue? Thank yoU!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2025 at 6:31 am

Hi there,

When you create registrations within EE you have the option of requesting questions for either only the primary resistant, or all registrants.

If you only request the 3 system questions for First Name, Last Name and Email address (they will be within the ‘Personal Info’ group but the name of the group is customizable so it may be different) for the Primary Registrant then all of the tickets within the group are assigned to that registrant.

This means a group of 10 tickets could all be assigned to the same ‘person’ (EE Contact), so if you go into one of those registrations and edit the contact assigned to it, it’s the same contact that all the other registrations are assigned to. Then it looks like each individual registration has been edited but that’s not the case, they all just link to the same contact.

(Note the same will happen if you DO request the 3 system questions for each ticket but then the user registering enters their details into those spaces)

So whats happening in the example you gave is those 2 registrations for ‘Justin Johnson’ are assigned to the same contact, editing either of them will show the changes on both (and any other registrations assigned to that contact).

If you edit the 2 of 14 registration (ID 24975) and look in the contact details metabox, is there a ‘create contact’ button?

Shown here:

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