
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Edit Unique Event Identifier

Edit Unique Event Identifier

Posted: December 20, 2012 at 6:12 pm

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tim melody

December 20, 2012 at 6:12 pm

For an example to the question, I created an event called “Tim’s Tater Tots” and gave it the Unique Event Identifier ttt01

After saving, EE adds what appears to be it’s own unique identiers to it after a hyphen. i.e. it comes back with


Is there a way to remove the -50d3b37f2b16d or prevent it altogether? It does not appear to allow simple a simple select and delete and save.

Snap Shot for Reference


December 21, 2012 at 12:01 am

Hi Tim,

No the UID for events isnt editable to help make sure that it remains unique.

Can I ask why you want to edit this? Most things that need to use the event ID use the ID number (look on the event overview, first column) rather than the UID.

tim melody

December 21, 2012 at 12:15 pm

Hi Dean, thanks for the response.

The company in question operates over 4-500 events a year in several different states, numerous cities and the classes themselves are of a number of different various types. As you can imagine with that volume, organization and accounting gets complicated. So they came up with their own set of UIDs that allows them to recognize at a glance and also keep better accounting. Most importantly, however, they use these UIDs in more than just EE. In particular they use them with Sage ACT in all the rest of their company accounting and operations. So consistency without the added string of letters and numbers is a big interest.

So now, here is the big question. Was there ever a time when EE allowed full customization of the UID?

They used to be able to do this. When creating an event, they entered their own ID and that was what stuck thereafter. The attached image shows this from an old event. This changed with one of the EE updates over the summer.

So was that an older EE version that allowed? Or a developer customization that eventually got wiped out?

old event, custom UID


December 24, 2012 at 12:43 am

Hey Tim,

I checked as far back as version 3.1.26 which was released roughly 3 months ago, and though you could add to the UID at event creation it still added its own bit to the end and was uneditable afterwards.

I am leaning to the fact that it was available in EE but has since been removed.

tim melody

December 27, 2012 at 1:28 pm

Hi Dean, thanks.

Is it possible to get perhaps a more definitive answer?

More importantly, however, is there a customization that could be made (hopefully simply) that could allow for this?

thanks for help


  • Support Staff

December 27, 2012 at 2:11 pm

Hi Tim,

At one time, pre Event Espresso 3.1, you could edit the Unique Event Identifier. Which broke all kinds of things, so the ability to edit this was removed.

As an alternative to changing the unique Event Identifier, I would recommend using the ee Meta box feature. The boxes are already there in the event editor. It would require some customization to get the event meta to display where needed by the company’s accounting staff. If you’re interested in hiring someone to do this, we have a job board:

The dev team will on occasion have time to take on customization projects. Availability is very limited, but you’re welcome to request a customization if you’re interested in having Event Espresso develop this:

tim melody

January 4, 2013 at 7:08 pm

Thanks for help on this. BTW they appear to have figured out another way to manage their accounting.

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