I have 3 problems (maybe since the EE update of yesterday…)
1- When i edit an event, i only see the date and hour box. nothing else. So i cannot modify the event.
2- when i create an event, first hours event are ok. But adding another hours change the hours for the present time… is it clear ? :S
I write 14:00 to 16:00 for the first hour range = ok
I write 16:00 to 18:00 to the secong range, the event show me for example 18:53 in the 2 fields after saving.
3- calendar widget is not showing in the sidebar (template is ok for that, , but the shortcode show me it in a page…
I have try with defaut wdp template = same thing
I have disable all others plugins = same thing
Help appreciate. Thanks
I use EE – on WDP 3.6.1 for free events ๐
Whezzy + Nginx + php-pfm 5.4
This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Tamevent.
1) and 2) Without being able to see the dashboard I can only guess, but it sounds like a conflict between Multiple Event Registration and another plugin, as nothing else should affect the admin area.
I would suggest deactivating other plugins except Event Espresso and Multi Event Registration and see if that works. If it does, you can activate the plugins one by one checking the events each time until the culprit is found.
3) In the calendar widget is a field called Calendar Page, add the number 2 here, which is the Page ID for your calendar page. That will tell the calendar widget not to load on that page (there will be a conflict, but to load everywhere else.
Thanks for your answer Dean
I don’ understand. I have made what you told me for 1 and 2… and now it’s work with all plugins enable… O_o
for the calendar thanks it works ๐
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