
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium E-Ticket: Displaying more than one ticket if multiple tickets are purchased.

E-Ticket: Displaying more than one ticket if multiple tickets are purchased.

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 2:39 pm


January 31, 2013 at 2:39 pm


Currently if a customer purchases more than one ticket, the system still only generates one e-ticket that then needs be scanned multiple times.

Is there any way for a customer who, say, orders 4 tickets to be sent 4 seperate e-tickets (on the same pdf or multiple) that they can print/display on arrival?

Further more, for some reason the quantity the customers has ordered is never displayed on our tickets. If a customer has bought 5 tickets, they still only get sent one e-ticket that again needs to be scanned 5 times – The box office staff only know if the customer has 5 tickets by asking the customer or being told. Should there be a value on the ticket saying how many people it’s good for?




February 1, 2013 at 1:51 am

Hi Tom,

No, the users will only be provided with one ticket, unless the additional attendees data is requested, in which case each email will be sent an email which will include the ticket download. Or the user can print of X copies.

The ticket quantity was added recently (Nov 2012) in an update, I would advise you to update to the latest version of Event Espresso.

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