
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium E-mail Confirmations ?

E-mail Confirmations ?

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 2:27 pm

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Michael Fanous

June 25, 2013 at 2:27 pm

Hello all,

Trying to figure this e-mail option with the following options.

1. User will only receive an e-mail after payment has been completed (This works)

2. User receives an e-mail that contains all their registration data from the questions they answered (Are there more tags that I missed somewhere)

3. Admin receives the user’s registration confirmation AFTER payment.

Is this a global event espresso setting or only per event?

Michael Fanous

June 25, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Just received an e-mail 30 minutes later of the User’s registration information, however it also had the invoice attached, but no record that they actually paid for the event. It was directing them to click the invoice and pay…..?



  • Support Staff

June 25, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Hi Michael,

The email trigger to send before or after payment is a global setting.

With question #2, it sounds like you are looking for [custom_questions]

more here:

with the invoice, the invoice link is included automatically in the admin email, and it only gets sent to the admin unless you include the invoice_link shortcode in the email template.

Can you check your payment processor account to see if the payment went through there? Did the registration get marked as complete in the attendee overview in Event Espresso?

Michael Fanous

June 26, 2013 at 3:20 am

Hi Josh,

Thank you for all your help everything worked!

One last question. I set up about 3 separate events. I didn’t want the multi-event option of using a cart.

Concerning the confirmation emails…is it possible for the following.

Event A – Confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin A

Event B – confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin B


  • Support Staff

June 26, 2013 at 8:14 am

You can do something like this:

Event A – Confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin A
Event B – confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin A and Admin B


Event A – Confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin A and Admin C
Event B – confirmation e-mail gets sent to Admin A and Admin B

The email address entered in the contact email field in Event Espresso>General Settings will receive a registration notification.

You can add additional email addresses to the Alternate Email Address (optional) field under Event Options for an event in the event editor.

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