
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Duplicate Attendee in attendee list

Duplicate Attendee in attendee list

Posted: February 27, 2013 at 9:20 pm

Tania Smith

February 27, 2013 at 9:20 pm


I hope I explain this correctly!

Everything with EE has been working perfectly thus far. We are using the Multiple Event Registration so people can register for more than one event.

I want to be able to print out a list off all the attendees so we have a list on the day to mark against, however when I display the list, it brings up “duplicate” names. ie. A person registered for workshop A and Tour B, so instead of just having their name once on the list, it shows twice which is confusing us as to how many people are attending the event overall (we have a close off limit) and how to print out a list of “non” duplicate names. How can I get EE to only show an attendees name once?



February 28, 2013 at 12:59 am

Hi Tania,

These arent duplicates as such, with the current system every time a user buys a ticket they are registered separately, So if I add 5 events to my cart and pay, you will see my name 5 times one for each event.

You could export the attendee list to a spreadsheet (there’s an export button) and that way can filter by name and/or remove extra attendees.

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