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Don't Show Past Events

Posted: July 15, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Rich O

July 15, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Hello guys,

What should I do to make the past events not show in my calendar?

I have set the events as recurring events and I chose

“Yes (all created events are available for registration between the above registration dates).”

to the question below

“Are all events available between the registration dates above?” .

I chose Yes because I want the potential attendees be able to register in class even the event is far from date of events.

I tried to use the “No” option but it is not I want since the potential attendees cannot register to far events.

I am thinking that the short code is the answer to the question but I am not sure and I don’t know where to place it.

If I am correct, this code -> [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR show_expired=”true”] should be set as [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR show_expired=”false”] ?

If so, where should I edit the code?

Thanks a lot.


  • Support Staff

July 15, 2013 at 9:21 pm

This is correct about the short code.

You can go to edit the calendar page in the WordPress page editor to edit the calendar shortcode.

You might also consider moving the registration start dates to an earlier date, and ending the registration end date to on or near the event date. When you move the registration start dates to say, a date from one year ago, this will ensure that all the events that you want open will be open for registration with the recurring events module.

Mary Clare Bland

July 24, 2013 at 3:44 pm

This still displays events from the current date that are expired. Any way to fix this? I’m assuming this has something to do with only utilizing “start date” and not “start date and time” in the query…?


  • Support Staff

July 24, 2013 at 3:53 pm

It has more to do with the registration end date. If the registration end date is in the future, then event will still display in the event list.

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