
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Don't send registration confirmation emails.

Don't send registration confirmation emails.

Posted: November 14, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Kamon Walker

November 14, 2013 at 2:04 pm

We are using infusionsoft and want our registration confirmation emails to come through infusionsoft. How can I stop the event espresso registration confirmation from sending?


  • Support Staff

November 15, 2013 at 5:49 am

Hi Kamon,

If you look in event-espresso/includes/functions/email.php lines 516 – 548

You’ll see the function event_espresso_email_confirmations() which is what sends out the confirmation emails. The function is pluggable so I would advise copying it and using the Custom Files Add-on to override the core function.

Then you can either add


just above


Which will stop all emails including admin ones. OR add:

$send_attendee_email = FALSE;

after the extract, this will allow admin emails but should stop attendee confirmations.

*Note this is untested/supported

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